Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the National War Memorial on January 26, 2024 to commence the 75th Republic Day celebrations. He was accompanied by three service chiefs as he paid tribute to the sacrifice of the fallen soldiers, in a solemn ceremony. Keeping up with his tradition of wearing colourful turbans, this year too, PM Modi chose a multicolour turban with pleats. His turbans are always the most eye-catching part of his ensmeble, that highlight his Republic Day and Independence Day appearances. 

Talking about his outfit, this year, PM Modi was dressed in a white kurta paired with a dark brown jacket and black shoes. To complete his look, he opted for a Rajasthani safa. The vibrant pink and orange Bandhni-printed turban grabbed attention as he paid tribute to the soldiers.


Image Source: PTI

Last year, too, PM Modi was seen wearing traditional white kurta paired with a white trouser, a black coat and a white stole, complementing his look with a vibrant turban. The yellow and ornage turban featured Rajasthan's famous 'lehriyaan' design in red, thereby grabbing all attention. 

Talking about the year 2022, Prime Minister Modi had worn a cap from Uttarakhand featuring the Brahmakamal. This is the state flower of Uttarakhand, which he uses whenever he does pooja at Kedarnath. The attire, consisted of traditional white kurta pajama coupled with Nehru jacket was completed with a stole from Manipur.

On the other hand, on the year before that, PM Modi sported a 'Halari pagh' (royal head turban) which was gifted to him by Gujarat's Jamnagar Royal Family.

Meanwhile, before the Republic Day celerbations this year, PM Narendra Modi took to his Twitter handle and wished the citizens of India on the occasion of 75th Republic Day saying, "Best wishes on special occasion of the 75th Republic Day. Jai Hind!"