Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Japan on Friday and attended the G7 advanced economies' annual summit. Earlier today, he was seen wearing a sleeveless jacket made of recycled materials while visiting the Peace Memorial Museum in Hiroshima and the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.
According to ANI, the process of producing recycled fabric includes collecting used PET bottles, crushing and melting them, adding colour, and spinning yarn. This novel process significantly reduces emissions at multiple stages of production.
PM Modi was spotted wearing a 'Chandhan' shade sleeveless sadri jacket from EcoLine Clothing over his signature white kurta and pyjama. A sadri jacket is a traditional Indian garment that is typically worn by men. It's a short, fitted jacket with front buttons and a mandarin collar. Sadri jackets are typically made of light materials such as cotton or silk and are frequently worn with traditional Indian attire such as kurta pyjamas or sherwanis.
"We are immensely thrilled and honoured to see Prime Minister Narendra Modi choose to wear the Sadri jacket presented by EcoLine Clothing once again," Senthil Sankar, Managing Partner at EcoLine Clothing, said in a press release.
"We are truly amazed and deeply grateful for his continued endorsement. It is a testament to our shared vision of promoting eco-friendly practices and creating a greener future. We remain committed to delivering high-quality, environmentally conscious products, and we are inspired to innovate and contribute to the cause of sustainability," it read.
This isn't the first time the Prime Minister has made a statement about sustainable fashion. Prior to this, he wore a sleeveless sky-blue jacket to Parliament, which was given to him by the Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) on February 6 during the India Energy Week in Bengaluru, and was made from recycled plastic bottles.