With good health and well-being becoming a primary concern of modern-day individuals, various new health-oriented approaches and strategies have come to light. Intermittent fasting, plant-based diet, keto diet and low-carb diet being some, have become the new health craze, providing individuals with novel ways to improve their eating habits. While the overarching goal is to incorporate a more healthy diet into one's routine, the choice of method plays a significant role.

Dr Lalitha Palle who is the Founder of Moder/ate said, "With multiple health benefits and environmental advantages, plant-based diets have gained immense popularity in recent years. A report from Plant Based Foods Industry Association (PBFIA) highlights a noticeable surge in the adoption of plant-based eating habits in India. This shift is fueled by growing awareness of the ethical and environmental consequences of animal agriculture, as well as increased access to and affordability of plant-based food products."

In addition to environmental benefits, a plant-based diet offers a wealth of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants that promote long-term health and well-being. Incorporating more fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes into one's diet benefits various aspects of the body, from digestive health to heart and brain function. That said, there can also be some disadvantages or rather some nutrient deficiencies that can occur if a variety of food consumption is not followed. It may be difficult on an everyday basis to incorporate very many different kinds of foods in the diet.

Following a plant-based diet might appear enticing and compelling on social media, but in reality, it is crucial to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the diet and carefully construct a meal plan that will provide necessary nutrients while ensuring optimum health and wellbeing.

Dr Lalitha went on to share the advantages of plant-based diet:

Plant-based diet: Key benefits

Rich in nutrients: Various plant-based food items are packed with a wide range of nutrients. Therefore, consuming different kinds of food items across different plant-based dietary categories ensures that the body receives a diverse array of nutrients. The more fruits and vegetables one includes in their meals, the more likely they are to obtain all the necessary nutrients and benefit from reduced risk of diseases. An NCBI report revealed those who consume more colourful foods have a lower risk of developing various chronic illnesses. Thus, by providing a unique array of nutrients through a variety of colourful food products, a plant-based diet supports excellent health and well-being and substantially decreases the likelihood of deadly illnesses.

Protein dense: Ensuring adequate muscle mass and improving general health, plant-based protein sources serve a vital role in a balanced diet. Beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, quinoa, nuts, and seeds are some of the protein-rich plant-based sources that make sure individuals get the most out of their diets. In addition, combining different plant-based protein sources can do wonders. For example, eating beans and rice will guarantee that the body gets all the necessary amino acids. Given that proteins are one of the most essential nutrients that our bodies need, adding a plant-based diet high in proteins to one's routine will certainly prove to be beneficial in the long run.

Full of whole grains: Offering more fiber, vitamins, and minerals, whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, and oats are certainly more beneficial than refined grains, making one feel fuller and more satisfied. Present-day generation often ends up succumbing to overeating, causing a plethora of health-related concerns. Limiting the likelihood of overeating, a plant-based diet rich in whole grains inevitably makes one feel more pleased and full.

High in valuable fats: The majority of individuals choose to avoid fats in a bid to maintain a healthy weight. On the contrary, consuming healthy fats is unquestionably necessary to maintain the body's well-being. Plant-based sources rich in fats including avocado, nuts, seeds, and olive oil makes certain the body gets needed fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. Hence, to maintain a healthy weight without worrying about unnecessary fat intake, switching to a plant-based diet that ensures ingestion of sufficient beneficial fats is imperative.

Nutritious and balanced: In order to cover a wide range of nutrients, it is necessary to include different meals from different food categories when creating meal plans. Meeting the necessary nutritional needs, a well-balanced plant-based diet ensures that all the meals are nourishing and nothing short of incredible.

Tips To Get Essential Nutrients From Plant Based Diet:

Kanikka Malhotra who is a Clinical Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator and Content Marketing Specialist sahred some tips:

  • Include a variety of plant-based protein sources: Legumes, cashews, other nuts, seeds, soy foods, and whole grains are excellent sources of protein. It is important to consume a variety of these protein sources to ensure adequate intake of all essential amino acids.

  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables: Green leafy, and orange vegetables are particularly important to ensure adequate intake of vitamin A3. A variety of colorful fruits and vegetables are also important sources of phytonutrients, which have been shown to prevent chronic diseases.

  • Choose fortified foods: Fortified foods, such as plant-based milks and cereals, can be important sources of nutrients like calcium and vitamin B12.

  • Use healthy preparation methods: Soaking, sprouting, leavening, and fermenting can increase the bioavailability of nutrients in plant-based foods.

  • Consider supplementation: Some nutrients, such as vitamin B12, may be difficult to obtain through a plant-based diet alone. Supplementation may be necessary to ensure adequate intake.

Who All Should Consume Plant Based Diet? 

A plant based diet, also known as vegan diet, plays a great role in improving the overall health of an individual due to the wide range of advantages it offers. Dietician Garima Goyal explained who all should cosume plant based diet.

1. Those with a weak immune system: Any of the individual facing trouble of seasonal flus quite often or having any kind of inflammatory condition such as psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis etc. should consume a plant based diet. The protective nutrients present in plant foods such as vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants etc. play a great role in keeping the body healthy and strengthening its immune system by preventing the attack of germs and microbes. 

2. May be cancer preventive: A healthy cell in the human body can recognise cellular mutation and attack it before it spreads. So by this way eating a plant based diet strengthens the body’s immune system and can help to prevent various types of cancer.

3. Anti inflammatory effect: Prolonged inflammation in the body can damage the body’s cells and tissues and can predispose the body to various harmful conditions such as cancer, arthritis etc. But plant based foods are loaded with antioxidants that scavenge the free radicals and prevent cellular damage by them. 

4. Aids in weight loss: Having a plant based diet helps to aid in weight loss by giving more fibre to the diet. Also unlike meat products that are full of saturated fat, plant based foods don’t give that much saturated fat in the diet. In a way healthy weight prevents other chronic conditions from occurring such as cancer, inflammatory conditions etc. 

5. Anti-hypertensive effect: Plant based diet’s regular consumption helps to reduce the blood pressure, both systolic and diastolic and a maintained blood pressure helps to prevent various cardiovascular diseases, stroke etc. 

6. May prevent type 2 diabetes: Since more the fatty tissue an individual has, more chances are of him being resistant to insulin. But having a plant based diet helps to achieve weight loss and also making the body insulin sensitive. 

7. May prevent kidney disease: Plant-based diets have been shown to not only protect Type 2 diabetics from developing kidney disease, but to help reverse type 2 diabetes as well. Plant-based diets may also reduce mortality rates in individuals with chronic kidney disease (CKD). 

8. May help you live longer: Because of the long list of diseases that a plant based diet can prevent, the conclusion is that having such a diet helps you to live longer and raises your life’s expectancy.