Variable skin types and varying seasons call for a skin routine that helps to maintain your skin’s pH value of 5.5 leading to a radiant glow throughout the year. As we move from one season to another, our regime needs to modify to sync with the skin requirements. In addition, Indian skin, with its unique melanin advantage, requires a specialized approach to skincare. 

Why Indian Skin Requires Unique Skincare Solutions

The Indian skin tone, characterized by its rich melanin content, is distinct and requires specialized skincare solutions. Talking about Melanin, it is the pigment responsible for the colour of our skin, hair, and eyes and plays a crucial role in protecting the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Indian skin typically has a higher melanin content, which provides a natural defense against sun damage. However, this melanin advantage also comes with its own set of challenges. The diversity in Indian skin tones is not just light, medium, dark but 36 variations in skin tone..

Dr. Chytra Anand, Dermatologist, Founder - SkinQ & Kosmoderma Clinics listed the challenges faced by Indian skin due to this and also suggested the probable solutions:

Challenges Faced by Indian Skin:

  • Hyperpigmentation: One of the most common issues faced by individuals with melanin-rich skin is hyperpigmentation. This occurs when excess melanin production leads to dark spots or uneven skin tone. Factors such as sun exposure, hormonal changes, and inflammation can exacerbate this condition. Even the smallest irritation can lead to pigmentation in indian skin which can in instances become long lasting or permanent.

  • Acne and Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: Indian skin is more prone to acne, which can lead to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). This is a condition where dark spots remain on the skin long after the acne has healed.

  • Sensitivity to Harsh Products: Melanin-rich skin can be more sensitive to certain skincare products, especially those containing harsh chemicals. It’s crucial to choose products that are gentle and formulated for sensitive skin.

Skincare Solutions for Indian Skin:

  • Sun Protection: Despite the natural sun protection offered by melanin, it’s still vital to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 40 or higher. This helps prevent hyperpigmentation and reduces the risk of skin cancer. It’s critical to use anti oxidants like Vitamin C Ferulic acid as part of the sun protection regimen.

  • Gentle Cleansing: Opt for a gentle, non-comedogenic cleanser that won’t strip the skin of its natural oils. Avoid using harsh scrubs, as they can irritate the skin and trigger hyperpigmentation.

  • Moisturising: Hydration is key for maintaining healthy, resilient skin. Look for moisturizers with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, squalene, or ceramides, which help retain moisture and strengthen the skin barrier.

  • Treating Hyperpigmentation: Products containing ingredients like kojic acid. vitamin C, Azelaic acid, niacinamide, and licorice extract can help lighten dark spots and even out skin tone. It’s essential to use these products consistently and in conjunction with sunscreen for the best results.

  • Exfoliation: Regular exfoliation can help remove dead skin cells and promote a more even complexion. However, it’s important to choose a gentle exfoliant and not over-exfoliate, as this can lead to irritation and worsen hyperpigmentation.

  • Professional Treatments: For persistent skin concerns, consult a dermatologist who can recommend treatments like chemical peels, prescription , or laser therapy. These procedures should be tailored to suit the specific needs of melanin-rich skin.

Skincare Tips For Changing Season:

Dr Michaela Arens Corell, Head of the Medical-Scientific Department Sebamed suggested some personal care tips for the changing season


Irrespective of weather conditions, hydration remains at the top of the 'TO DO' list. With temperature variations, the humidity levels fluctuate causing changes in the way skin reacts. The visible signs may comprise dryness, dullness, and irritation.

To avoid the consequences, try consuming plenty of water during the day along with the use of hydrating skincare products which consist of 2 %(+) vitamin E ensuring it is free from ingredients like parabens, paraffin, propylene glycol, and phthalates. In addition, lightweight water-based moisturisers are suggested for warmer months, while richer, softer formulas provide necessary moisture during colder seasons.

Sun Protection

Sun protection is the need of the hour. The UV rays have the potential to penetrate via clouds and damage the skin leading to premature ageing, sunspots, and even skin cancer. As a preventive measure, one should integrate sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher (SPF 50+) in the morning routine to maintain a pH of 5.5. Additionally, it must be reapplied every 2 hours as prescribed by the industry experts. It’s a practice that boosts the preservation of your skin’s youthful appearance and reduces the risk of sun-related damage in the long run.

Lip Care

Lips, the most neglected part requires equal attention as our skin. Harsh winds, cold temperatures, and sun exposure can make our lips dry, chapped, and vulnerable to damage. Thus, to keep your lips looking soft, smooth, and well-hydrated, adopt a lip balm that contains the characteristics of beeswax, shea butter, and vitamin E. It is essential to keep the suppleness intact all around the year.

Protecting Your Hair From Environmental Damage: 10 Strategies For All Seasons

Our hair often faces the brunt of environmental factors like pollution, UV rays, humidity, and harsh weather conditions. Over time, this exposure can lead to dryness, breakage, and dullness. However, with the right care and precautions, you can shield your strands from environmental damage and keep your locks healthy and vibrant throughout the year. Here are ten expert strategies shared by Nidhi Govil, CEO, Orive Organics to help you protect your hair no matter the season.

  • Cover Up: Invest in hats, scarves, or headwraps to shield your hair from direct exposure to UV rays and harsh weather elements like wind and cold. Not only do these accessories provide protection, but they also add a stylish flair to your look.

  • Use a Nourishing Hair Oil: Massage nourishing hair oil into my scalp weekly to keep my hair healthy, shiny, and free from split ends.

  • Limit Heat Styling: Excessive heat styling can strip your hair of its natural oils and weaken its structure, making it more susceptible to environmental damage. Minimize the use of hot tools like blow dryers, straighteners, and curling irons, and opt for heat-free styling methods whenever possible.

  • Hydrate Regularly: Just like your skin, your hair needs hydration to stay healthy and resilient. Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner formulated for your hair type to replenish moisture and prevent dryness and brittleness caused by environmental factors.

  • Rinse with Cool Water: After shampooing and conditioning, rinse your hair with cool water to seal the cuticles and lock in moisture. This helps to prevent environmental pollutants from penetrating the hair shaft and causing damage.

  • Protective Hairstyles: Opt for protective hairstyles like braids, buns, or twists to minimize exposure to environmental elements. These styles not only shield your strands but also help to prevent tangling and breakage, especially in windy or humid conditions.

  • Weekly Deep Conditioning Treatments: Treat your hair to a weekly deep conditioning treatment to replenish moisture, repair damage, and strengthen the hair shaft. Look for nourishing ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter, or avocado oil to restore vitality and resilience to your locks.

  • Avoid Overwashing: Washing your hair too frequently can strip away its natural oils, leaving it vulnerable to environmental damage. Aim to wash your hair no more than two to three times a week, and use a sulfate-free shampoo to gently cleanse without drying out your strands.

  • Trim Regularly: Schedule regular trims every 6-8 weeks to get rid of split ends and prevent further damage from spreading up the hair shaft. Keeping your ends healthy and trimmed promotes overall hair health and resilience against environmental stressors.

  • Protective Hair Masks: Treat your hair to a nourishing hair mask once or twice a month to repair damage and fortify against environmental aggressors. Look for masks containing ingredients like keratin, protein, or biotin to strengthen the hair from within and restore its natural luster and vitality.