New Delhi: Parsi cuisine is a mash-up of hot and sweet, nice and spicy. It consists of simple yet diverse ingredients that make perfect sense on a plate. The 'Parsis' or 'Parsees' are descendants of Zoroastrians who fled Iran during the 17th-century Arab invasion. They eventually settled along India's west coast, where they developed a distinct cuisine that proudly boasts Gujarati, Maharashtrian, Iranian, and British flavours. Additionally, they inherited a flair for extravagant feasts from their Iranian ancestors.

Before a big ceremony, Parsis love to spend hours cooking and preparing dishes that are absolutely mind-blowing. Let's take a look at some dishes to celebrate the Parsi New Year on August 16, 2023.

Patra Ni Machi:

Patra Ni Machi, a dish that harmoniously blends flavours and symbolism, is an essential part of any Parsi feast. Delicate fish fillets are marinated in green chilli, coriander, and mint paste before being wrapped in banana leaves and gently steamed. As a result, the fish is succulent and infused with aromatic spices, evoking the coastal influences that shape Parsi cuisine.

Sali Boti:

Sali Boti is a popular Parsi comfort food that consists of mutton curry topped with crisp potato straws. The rich gravy, infused with spices and tanginess, complements the tender meat, resulting in a symphony of flavours that is both comforting and indulgent.


Sali Boti (Image Source: Getty)

Chicken Farcha:

A popular Parsi chicken dish, known as Chicken Farcha, consists of deep-fried boneless chicken marinated in a variety of spices and coated with an egg and chilli mixture. Serve it with your favourite chutney as an appetiser for a dinner party.


Dhansak, also known as the 'Sunday ritual,' is a savoury lentil stew seasoned with meat, vegetables, and a blend of spices. This hearty dish reflects the Parsi community's culinary fusion of Persian and Indian traditions. Dhansak, served with fragrant rice, exemplifies the Parsi people's ability to bring together diverse flavours.


Parsi Brown Rice With Dhansak (Image Source: Getty)

Saas Ni Machhi:

This is another interesting Parsi dish that translates as "fish with sauce." This fish curry is one-of-a-kind because it creatively combines the flavours of green chillies, peppers, and cumin seeds with an egg and vinegar mixture as the base of the fish, transforming it into a delectable curry served with basmati rice.