Gone are the days when finding love online was seen as desperate and pitiful. Today, for us Gen Z and millennials, swiping through dating apps has become the new normal for finding love. From being the punchline of jokes to a bona fide method of finding a soulmate, online dating has undergone a major glow-up. A recent study by Bumble found that 40% of Indian singles now prefer using online dating to find a partner, showing that more people in India are accepting and liking the idea of finding love through the internet. With the rise of dating apps and platforms, it's time to delve into the thrilling backstory of this digital romance revolution.

TACT - The Father of All Online Dating:

Back in 1965, a 25-year-old accountant named Lewis Altfest and his friend Robert Ross, an IBM computer programmer, gave birth to something called ‘Project TACT’ (Technical Automated Compatibility Testing). This groundbreaking creation was designed specifically for young New Yorkers on the Upper East Side and marked the dawn of online dating in the '60s.

To get in on the TACT action, participants shelled out $5 and tackled a barrage of over a hundred questions. The queries covered everything from ladies' preferences on whether their dream guy should be chopping wood in a camp, painting masterpieces in a studio, or working a drill in a garage. These responses were then fed into an IBM 1400 Series computer, which worked its magic and spat out matches. Ladies were dealt five blue cards, while the gents scored five pink ones.

5 Hilariously Bizarre Dating Websites You Won't Believe Existed!

As the internet gained popularity and reached common households, online dating expanded and diversified. While some websites may seem bizarre today, they were popular among certain niche groups seeking like-minded partners. Take a look at some of them here and maybe even check out some of these working even today.

  1. StachePassions.com: A dating website dedicated to individuals with an affinity for mustaches. It provided a platform for mustache enthusiasts to connect and potentially find love among fellow admirers of facial hair.

  1. ZombiePassions.com: This unique platform catered to those with an interest in zombies and the undead. It allowed individuals to connect with others who shared a passion for the zombie genre and its culture.

  2. TallFriends.com: Height can be a significant factor in dating preferences, and this website recognised that. TallFriends.com aimed to bring together tall individuals seeking companionship, understanding the importance of compatibility beyond just personality traits.

  1. GhostSingles.com: Believing in the possibility of finding love beyond the grave, GhostSingles.com was designed for those who identified as ghosts or had a fascination with the supernatural. The funny search results, indexed by Google a decade ago, will surely tickle your funny bone if not leave you baffled.

  2. WealthyMen.com: Focusing on wealth and status, this website targeted affluent individuals seeking partners who could match their financial lifestyle. It aimed to connect wealthy men with women interested in dating someone prosperous.

As time progressed, online dating evolved further, ultimately transitioning into the era of dating apps. Today, swiping right and left on apps like Tinder, Grindr, Bumble, etc, has become the norm. While the search for ‘Mr Right’ may not always be successful, these apps at least provide the opportunity to find ‘Mr Right Now’.

Online dating has come a long way from its humble beginnings. From Lewis Altfest's TACT to the advent of niche dating websites and the subsequent rise of swiping right, it has become an integral part of modern relationships. Whether you're seeking a long-term partner or a temporary connection, the digital realm offers endless possibilities.