New Delhi: Onam, a 10-day harvest festival, commemorates the return of Mahabali, the legendary king. This occasion is marked by the display of expansive banana leaves and the indulgence in opulent feasts. Among the highlights is a sumptuous meal known as Onam Sadya, presented on banana leaves. This elaborate spread features a total of 26 dishes, encompassing a variety of vegetables, rice, pickles, papad, and the traditional dessert, payasam. Just as desserts are indispensable in Indian festivities, the following are some key dishes to relish during the Onam celebration.

Ada Pradhaman

Ada Pradhaman constitutes a rice flour-based payasam characterized by the lusciousness of ghee and jaggery. Its impeccably smooth and delicate texture is utterly irresistible. Made from ada rice, jaggery, coconut, and enriched with nuts and dried fruits like cashews and raisins, Ada Pradhaman takes center stage during the Onam festivities.

Paal Payasam

A dish, without which Onam celebrations are incomplete, Paal Payasam is an enticing kheer that frequently serves as prasadam (a religious offering) in temples and celebratory events. Combining rice, cardamom, cashews, and raisins simmered in milk, Paal Payasam presents a creamy, delectable dessert that demands attention.

Ney Appam

Derived from 'ney' (meaning ghee) and 'appam' (referring to a pancake), Ney Appam is a fried rice-based delicacy originating from Kerala. Comprising raw rice, jaggery, banana, coconut, and cardamom, this dish is fried to a satisfying crispiness. A cherished treat at numerous southern festivals, Ney Appam's swift preparation makes it an ideal sweet indulgence for Onam.

Banana Halwa

Bananas, renowned for their natural sweetness and nutritional value, serve as an excellent foundation for desserts. Laden with nutrients and energy-boosting properties, bananas contribute to the delectable banana halwa. Enhanced with an assortment of nuts and dried fruits, this festive dessert is a delightful option for Onam celebrations.

Rava Ladoo

Rava Ladoo, a straightforward and expeditious Indian confection, perfectly complements occasions like Onam. Ground and toasted rava (semolina) is combined with sugar, cardamom, ghee, and dry fruits, subsequently fashioned into bite-sized ladoos. Adorned with a medley of nuts, these treats offer a delightful conclusion to the festive meal.