For centuries, the traditional Mediterranean way of life has shaped the habits and culture of the people living along the Mediterranean Sea, who survive through hard work and frugal eating. The Mediterranean diet, a term coined by Ancel Keys in 1960, is one of the most researched and best-known diets in the world. According to the American Heart Association, the Mediterranean diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, potatoes, legumes, nuts, and seeds, with olive oil as the main source of fat, and low to moderate amounts of dairy, eggs, fish, and poultry. 

What Does Mediterranean Diet Include?

According to Dietician Umang Malhotra, "The Mediterranean lifestyle includes regular walking, cycling, gardening, and other joyful and participatory outdoor activities that promote physical and mental health, lead to a more relaxed attitude to life, and avoid the constant rush. It focuses on locally grown and seasonal foods, ensuring a variety of chemical-free, nutrient-dense foods. This way of life has been formally defined as part of the cultural heritage of humanity."

In recent decades, the Mediterranean diet has been promoted around the world as the healthiest way to eat, characterized by high consumption of unrefined grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes and olive oil. Eat dairy and alcohol in moderation, and eat less meat.

Benefits Of Mediterranean Diet:

Talking about the benefits of these nutritional habits, Umang said, "They have demonstrated to exert protective properties due to the high content in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and polyphenols deriving from olive oil, polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFAs) contained in fishes, and different antioxidants contained in fruits, legumes, vegetables and wine, substances all directly linked to a reduction of the risk of the onset of chronic conditions and promoting healthy ageing."

"The Mediterranean diet is rich in tomatoes (lycopene, a major antioxidant in tomatoes, has been shown to have anti-carcinogenic activity), vegetables, fish, fruits, all of which provide important nutrients that may contribute to lowering the risk of cancer. In addition, researchers have found that adhering to the Mediterranean diet style can improve mental health and overall quality of life, while also boosting immunity and mitigating the risks associated with metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Thus, this lifestyle is associated with longer life expectancy and lower risk of chronic diseases, including cancer, metabolic syndrome, depression, and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases," he further added.

Nutritionist Harleen Gill also went on to list down the health benefits of Mediterraean Diet:

  • The Mediterranean diet has been correlated with a decrease in joint inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Research from the Osteoarthritis Initiative displays that adherence to the diet leads to an improved quality of life.

  • The advantages of the MedDiet extend to cardiovascular health, with research indicating a decrease in the occurrence of cardiovascular outcomes and risk factors such as obesity, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and dyslipidemia.

  • Incorporating the Mediterranean diet into one's lifestyle has been linked to a reduction in age-related cognitive decline and a lesser occurrence of neurodegenerative ailments, most notably Alzheimer's disease.

How Mediterranean Diet Can Result In An Overall Increase In Lifespan?

  • By adhering to the Mediterranean lifestyle, individuals can increase their lifespan by reducing the impact of metabolic syndrome and other illnesses.

  • The Mediterranean lifestyle takes a holistic approach to overall wellness, promoting longevity and vitality. Additionally, the emphasis on social connections and stress-reducing activities contributes to enhanced mental wellness.

  • The incorporation of red wine in moderation and the use of olive oil may also offer potential benefits for longevity.

  • The Mediterranean lifestyle serves as a testament to the profound impact of mindful choices on overall health, promoting a fulfilling and extended life.

Main Steps To Follow In Mediterranean Diet:

Parmeet Kaur, who is a Registered Nutritionist at Narayana Health talked about the main steps to follow the diet which include:

  • Each day, eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and plant-based fats.

  • Each week, have fish, poultry, beans, legumes and eggs.

  • Enjoy moderate portions of dairy products.

  • Limit how much red meat you eat.

  • Limit how many foods with added sugar you eat.