In our fast-paced world, meeting our body's nutritional needs is like a secret superpower, & dry fruits are the delicious sidekicks we all need! Packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, & the good kind of fats, they're like nature's treasure trove of nutrients in a convenient, bite-sized package. But here's the scoop: While these bite-sized wonders can do wonders for your health, remember that moderation is your trusty cape. Dry fruits, though they taste like tiny nuggets of heaven, are calorie-packed, so keeping a lid on your daily munching can keep your health in superhero shape.

Dry Fruits Cause Weight Gain. Myth Or Fact?

The idea that consuming dry fruits can cause weight gain is not a straightforward myth or fact. It depends on various factors, including portion sizes, overall diet, and individual metabolism.

Dr. Priyanka Rohatgi, who is the Chief Nutritionist, at Apollo Hospitals explains the facts and myths about dry fruit consumptions. She said, "Dry fruits are calorie-dense because they have had most of their water content removed, concentrating their natural sugars and nutrients. This means that a small amount of dried fruit can provide a significant number of calories compared to fresh fruit. If you consume large quantities of dry fruits without accounting for the extra calories, it could contribute to weight gain."

"However, dry fruits also offer numerous health benefits. They are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These nutrients can support your overall health, including digestion, heart health, and immune function. Incorporating moderate amounts of dry fruits into a balanced diet can be a positive choice," she further added.

How To Manage Your Weight While Enjoying Dry Fruits

Whether dry fruits cause weight gain is a matter of debate. On one hand, they are high in calories and sugar, which can contribute to weight gain if eaten in excess, while on the other, they are also a good source of fiber and nutrients, which can help with weight loss. Dr. Priyanka Rohatgi went on to share tips to manage your weight while enjoying dry fruits:

  • Watch Portion Sizes: Pay attention to portion sizes when consuming dry fruits. A small handful (about 1 ounce or 28 grams) can provide a satisfying snack without adding excessive calories. 100 gms almonds is 100 pieces which gives 579 calories, 100 gms potato wafers has 10 chips , gives 547 calories. So eating 1 chip is equal to 10 almonds with so much more nutrients.

  • Balance Your Diet: Include a variety of foods in your diet, including fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Don't rely solely on dry fruits as a snack or source of nutrition.

  • Consider Calories: If you are actively trying to manage your weight, be mindful of your overall calorie intake. While dry fruits offer nutrients, they can contribute to your daily calorie count.

  • Stay Active: Regular physical activity can help balance out calorie intake and support weight management.

While dry fruits are nutrient-dense and provide various health benefits, their calorie content means that consuming them in excessive amounts could potentially lead to weight gain. Moderation and balance are key when it comes to incorporating dry fruits into your diet.

Some Of The Most Common Dry Fruits And Their Potential Impact On Weight:

Raisins: Raisins are a good source of fiber and potassium, and they have a low glycemic index, which means they don't cause a sharp spike in blood sugar levels. However, they are also high in calories, so it's important to eat them in moderation.

Dates: Dates are another high-calorie fruit, but they are also a good source of fiber, potassium, and magnesium. They have a high glycemic index, so it's best to eat them in moderation if you are trying to lose weight.

Apricots: Apricots are a good source of fiber and vitamin A. They have a lower glycemic index than dates, so they are a better choice if you are trying to lose weight.

Figs: Figs are a good source of fiber, potassium, and magnesium. They also have a low glycemic index, making them a good choice for people with diabetes or who are trying to lose weight.

Prunes: Prunes are a good source of fiber and potassium. They are also high in sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that can help with constipation. Prunes have a low glycemic index, making them a good choice for people with diabetes or who are trying to lose weight.

Currants: Currants are a good source of vitamin C and potassium. They are also low in calories and fat, making them a good choice for people who are trying to lose weight.

Tips To Incorporate Dry Fruits In Your Diet In A Healthy Way:

Here are some tips for incorporating dry fruits into your diet in a healthy way as shared by Dr. Priyanka Rohatgi:

  • Eat them as part of a meal or snack.

  • Pair them with a source of protein or healthy fat to help slow down digestion and prevent blood sugar spikes.

  • Choose unsweetened varieties.

  • Limit your intake to 20-30 grams per day.

Additionally, Marisha Baurai who is a Food Innovation Technologist at Farmley shared her guide to eating dry fruits in a day. 


Extremely rich in fats, proteins, fibers, & essential vitamins, almonds boost energy levels & promote overall well-being. Consuming about 23 almonds a day can provide nutrients beneficial for brain, heart & skin health. They are rich in Vitamin E, magnesium & potassium which are helpful in maintaining blood pressure. Moreover, minerals like copper & magnesium found in almonds are extremely good for heart health.


They are an excellent source of iron & consuming ¼ cups of raisins a day can prevent anaemia by fulfilling the body's iron requirements. Additionally, they are rich in antioxidants which help remove radicals from blood & prevent damage to cells, and diseases such as cancer, heart disease & stroke. They contain vitamins & minerals, are fat & cholesterol-free, & act as a great source of fiber as well.


A great source of essential nutrients, consuming 14 walnut halves a day can offer significant health benefits. They are loaded with antioxidants which are beneficial in lowering bad cholesterol levels. Moreover, consuming them can provide omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce risks of cardiovascular diseases. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties in walnuts reduce inflammation & prevent chronic health conditions.


Consuming 49 pistachios a day can provide the body with a variety of nutrients that may promote weight loss, control blood sugar levels, and improve gut & heart health. They are rich in protein, fiber, & antioxidants, contain fewer calories & provide more protein. They are also a good source of essential amino acids that prevent muscle loss, enhance sleep quality, & improve overall well-being.

The busy daily routine leaves us with very little time to take care of the body's dietary requirements. Consuming dry fruits rich in essential nutrients in the right amount thus becomes an easy solution to stay healthy. Adding them to the diet is the most convenient & nutritious way to promote the body's well-being & stay active for a very long time.

Who Should Not Have Dry Fruits At All? 

In this regard, Dietician Garima Goyal shared who all should not have dry fruits at all.

  • Babies under the age of two should refrain from nuts and dried fruit consumption. There is a possibility of an allergic reaction or they are also hard to chew and may choke the babies too.

  • Some individuals have nut allergy. So they should preferably not have any of these nuts. Nut allergy is mostly seen with peanuts, but can occur with other nuts as well and cause very serious reactions such as asphyxia.

  • Since nuts and dried fruits are high in calories, all those individuals who are obese or trying to lose weight should either refrain from its consumption or have it in moderation.

  • Those individuals who have the issue of hypertension or fluid retention in the body should not consume dried fruits especially the salted ones as they are high in sodium.

  • Don’t consume nuts that are not stored in a good condition such as stored in temperatures between 25-30 degrees celsius, humidity values above 80 percent, poor ventilation or lack of light. Fruits fungi can develop producing mycotoxins. Mycotoxins have proven to be very harmful to health, in both humans and animals, for their toxic effects on the nervous and immune systems and their role in the development of liver cancer.

  • Those with gut issues such as inflammatory bowel syndrome should limit consumption of dry fruits as their high fibre content can irritate the gut.