New Delhi: Often, time leaves its impact on our bodies and taking good care of our skin is extremely important. 2022 was all about covid recovery and with 2023 just around the corner, you can consider adding these items to your skincare regime if you haven't already. A hectic lifestyle featuring long working hours has become more common leading to a visible impact on our skin. 

This year there were a few skincare ingredients like pataua oil, ghee, tulsi, etc that were star performers and showed great results. Hence, they were featured in numerous formulations. When it comes to skincare, there is always something new around the corner to become obsessed with and if that can be without chemicals or expensive surgeries, it's even better.

So, we have curated a list of 5 such natural items that created a massive impact on the skincare industry and became the need of the hour.

Pataua oil: This oil has skin-firming properties because of the high levels of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and amino acid protein. Pataua oil is a potent moisturiser with a high oleic acid content and unique properties such as light texture and ease of skin absorption. It is widely used in skin care as a nourishing moisturiser, and it is especially beneficial for those with ageing, oily, or seasoned skin. Also, the oil has outstanding moisturising qualities that assist to recover dry skin by forming a lipid film on the epidermis. 

Kumkumadi: It is a natural moisturizer that uses Sesame oil as the base oil. Because of its Vata pacifying properties, it balances dry and rough skin. As a result, Kumkumadi is beneficial to dry skin. Regular and proper use of it results in luminous, youthful, and healthy skin by regenerating and renewing skin cells.

Swiss Glacier Extract: An expedition was launched to a glacier in Valais, Switzerland, to discover and harvest novel microorganisms that can be used in cosmetics. Microbes that were previously hidden beneath layers of permanent ice are now accessible, as glaciers have shrunk over the last few decades. It contributes to the improvement of correct protein folding, reduces stress and stimulates energy production in vitro. Swiss glacier extract energizes tired skin and powerfully reduces wrinkles. Also, it increases radiance despite a hectic lifestyle and builds your own moisture reservoir.

Ghee: It is nutrient-rich and has maximum hydrating effects, along with reversing the effects of ageing. This contributes to 24-hour hydration in the body. Body butter and ghee-based oils penetrate the skin's deepest layers, hydrating it inside and out. These products not only hydrate but also soften and brighten the skin. One of the most common wintertime complaints is dry and flaky skin. Protein molecules in ghee are broken down into smaller molecules with each wash, resulting in easier absorption and a smoother feel on the skin. 

Tulsi: Tulsi, according to tradition, can help to treat acne and reduce skin inflammation. Because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties, it naturally combats acne and skin irritation. It also contains essential vitamins that aid in the fading of dark spots and acne scars.