New Delhi: The National Education Day is observed annually on November 11 every year, thereby marking the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, India's first education minister post Independence. The Ministry of Human Resource Development, now called the Ministry of Education, announced the observance of National Education Day on September 11, 2008.

Besides, having a huge impact on the country's educational system, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad laid the groundwork for scientific research and higher education.

National Education Day 2022: Significance

The educational system is the backbone of a country. In addition to promoting the growth of future generations, education also helps to construct nations. Significant changes in the educational landscape have occurred recently, including the National Education Policy 2020.

Additionally, there is a lot of competition in the sector of education today. Along with the level of competition, the expense of education has risen over time, especially for advanced degrees. Numerous initiatives and events are held in honour of National Education Day to promote education and discuss potential advancements in the sector. Educational institutions celebrate the day with workshops, symposia, essay and speech competitions, and lectures.

National Education Day 2022: Contribution of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to the field of education

While he was the Education minister, Azad put a focus on teaching the rural poor people and also emphasised on the education of girls. He also promoted adult literacy, free and mandatory elementary education for all children up to the age of 14, education for girls, and increased diversity in secondary school and vocational training during his time in office. He established some of India's most significant educational institutions. The University Grants Commission in 1953, the Central Institute of Education in Delhi, which is currently the Department of Education of the University of Delhi, and IIT Kharagpur, the first Indian Institute of Technology, are among them.

He also helped in establishing a few other institutes such as the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, Sahitya Academy, Lalit Kala Academy, Sangeet Natak Academy, And Council of Scientific And Industrial Research.

National Education Day 2022: Theme

The theme for National Education Day 2022 is, 'Changing Course, Transforming Education.' The theme highlights the need to restructure the educational system and modernise it.