New Delhi: Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar and is very important to Muslims all over the world. During this holy month, Prophet Muhammad moved from Mecca to Medina. However, Muslims commemorate the death of Prophet Muhammad's grandson, Hussain Ibn Ali, on the 10th of the month, known as Ashura. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, which has 365 days, the Islamic calendar has 354 days divided into 12 months: Muharram, Rabi-al-Thani, Jumada al-Awwal, Jumada ath-Thaniyah, Rajab, Shaban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Zil-Qadah, and Zil-Hijjah.  

Muharram 2023: Date in India

The Islamic calendar is based on the lunar cycle, so the dates of Muharram vary each year in the Gregorian calendar. Muharram is the first month of the Islamic year and its precise start depends on the sighting of the moon. Muharram 2023 is likely to be observed from 19 July 2023 in many countries including UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and other gulf countries. UK and countries following the KSA moon sighting may also witness Muharram from the same date.

As India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Morocco usually prepare to see the crescent moon of the Holy Month of Muharram a day later, the first day of Muharram is expected to fall in these countries on Thursday, July 20, 2023, while the tenth day of Muharram, or Ashura, is expected to fall in these countries on Saturday, July 29, 2023.

Muharram 2023: Significance

Muharram marks the start of the Islamic New Year, a time of rejuvenation and spiritual reflection. Because the word Muharram means 'not permitted' or 'forbidden,' Muharram marks the start of the Islamic New Year, a time of rejuvenation and spiritual reflection. Because the word Muharram means 'not permitted' or 'forbidden,' Muslims refrain from participating in activities such as combat and instead utilise it as a time of prayer and introspection.

Muharram, on the other hand, is a month of grief and introspection for Muslims. It serves as a reminder of Imam Hussein's and his companions' sacrifices, promoting concepts of justice, bravery, and standing up against oppression.

For Muslims, the events of Karbala and the martyrdom of Imam Hussein are extremely important. Imam Hussein and his companions' sacrifices are considered as a sign of resistance to oppression and the value of standing up for justice, even in the face of death.