New Delhi: A handmade greeting card for your mother, grandmother, aunt or anybody you hold as a mother figure speaks volumes as opposed to one brought from a store. As it's mother's day today, you've probably bought and gift wrapped the gift with utmost care. However, adding a handmade card with a special message would just top the gift. 

The card can even be an addition to your breakfast in bed or a surprise next to the bedside table or study desk. But first here are some quick and easy cards that even "uncrafty" people can pull off. 

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  1. Heart sewn on the front
    Take a slightly thick paper and write your heartfelt message on the inside
    Complete all of the designs on the inside of the greeting card.
    Draw a simple heart on the front lightly with a pencil.
    Punch holes alongside the heart with your needle. Erase the pencil marks.
    Now, take embroidery floss (cross-stitch thread), which could be their favourite colour.
    Using the holes, thread yarn through the holes in various directions. Cut off the yarn on the underside and tie it up

  2. Jackson Pollock Card
    Take a thick sheet of paper and fold it as you prefer.
    Take one side of the folds or both.
    Dip the paintbrush in acrylic colours and strike the brush so that it creates drips.
    Use different colours to make it bright and fun.
    Remember to lay a newspaper underneath to avoid making a mess.
    Once it completely dries you can write a message on the other side.

  3. Flower accordion
    Take a chart paper and fold it 3 or 4 ways.
    Draw a flower or heart using a pencil.
    Tracing the lines cut with a pair of scissors.
    When you open it you have the shape you drew joined together.
    Now let your imagination go wild, paste photos, draw, write poetry or add confetti.

  4. Bracelet/Jewellery Card
    To card draw a hand, you can even trace it.
    At the wrist punch 2 holes about the size of the bracelet.
    Take your bracelet through these holes but remember to clasp it.
    Don’t forget to write a heartfelt message inside.
    You can do the same with necklaces or earrings!