Mother's Day 2024: Mother's Day is a special occasion to honour and celebrate the invaluable contributions of mothers, grandmothers, and other maternal figures in our lives. This is the time when we express our love and gratitude towards them by celebrating their hard work and sacrifices that they made for their family and society. 

The best way to show your love for them is by giving them precious handmade gifts. By creating personalised DIY gifts with your own hands, you can showcase the extra effort and care you put into them, making them a truly meaningful gesture.

Here are some DIY gift ideas that you can make as a love token for your mother.

Painted Flower Pot

Create a personalised and thoughtful gift for your mom by painting a terra-cotta flower pot. Follow these steps:

  • Gather your supplies: a plain terra-cotta pot, acrylic paints, paintbrushes, and the plant or flower of your choice.

  • Clean the pot and let it dry completely.

  • Plan your design. You can paint patterns, designs, or write a heartfelt message on the pot.

  • Apply the paint in layers and allow each layer to dry completely to avoid any mess.

  • Once the paint is dry, place the plant or flower inside the pot.

Hand-painted Mug

A personalised mug is a practical and heartfelt gift for any mom. Here's how to make one:

  • Start with a plain ceramic mug from a craft store or dollar store.

  • Plan your design using acrylic paints. You can paint a pattern, write a message, or create a custom illustration.

  • Apply the paint in layers and allow each layer to dry completely to avoid any mess.

  • Once the paint is dry, the mug is ready to use and enjoy.

Spa Day in a Jar

Treat your mom to a relaxing spa day at home with this thoughtful gift in a jar. Gather the following items:

  • A mason jar or other clear container

  • Homemade bath salts, sugar scrub, and lotion

  • Candles, a face mask, or other pampering items

  • Ribbon or twine to decorate the jar

  • Layer the items in the jar and add a handwritten note to complete the gift.

Framed Photo Collage

Create a heartfelt gift by making a framed photo collage for your mom. Follow these steps:

  • Select a variety of meaningful photos of your mom and family.

  • Arrange the photos in a collage layout on a piece of cardstock or poster board.

  • Once you are satisfied with the arrangement, glue the photos in place.

  • Place the collage in a frame of your choice, either purchased or decorated by you.

Soy Candles

Craft natural soy candles for your mom's relaxation. Follow these steps:

  • Melt soy wax flakes in a double boiler.

  • Add Mom's favourite scents and colours to the melted wax.

  • Pour the wax into containers with wicks, and let them cool and solidify.

Homemade Cookies

Bake a batch of homemade cookies for a sweet and classic gift. Choose your mom's favourite recipe and follow the steps to create delicious treats she will love.