India is all set to host the prestigious Miss World pageant this year after nearly three decades, the last one being in the year 1996. This year, the pageant will be held from February 18 to March 9 and will unfold across various venues, including the Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi. Miss World 2023 will see 120 contestants from countries across the globe as they participate in various competitions and charitable initiatives. 

For the 71st pageant, India is being represented by Femina Miss India World 2022 winner Sini Shetty. In a conversation with ABP Live over a video call, Sini talks about Miss World as a pageant and shares what all it takes for a woman to be a part of it.

"I've always felt that Miss World is a unique pageant because they serve a purpose to everyone- the social service they do, the beauty with a purpose project... Miss World, today, has raised over 1.4 million dollars for social service. I feel that Miss World as a platform is also a source of inspiration for all the young audience out there, that they are not alone and that we are all with them. We are certainly leading a sweet soul message for all of them. Yes, I do agree that there's a long way to go but at this space and time, I feel that we are heading towards a level of empowerment and avancement," she says.

She also talks about the 'Beauty With A Purpose' (BWAP) project which which has been the central theme for Miss World since 1972.

BWAP allows every Miss World contestant to use their capabilities and abilities to contribute meaningfully to the disadvantaged and people in need. Sini Shetty's BWAP for Miss World is titled, 'Aashayein'.

Talking about what it takes for a woman to be a part of Miss World, Sini says, "Miss World's heart and soul is in its initiative 'Beauty With A Purpose'. Along with it there are a lot of aspects when it comes to your personality, the purpose that you have in life, and how are you going to cater to the entire world... I also feel that certain qualities are important not only for you to be a Miss World but also to be a human being."

"My family has always taught me humility, kindness, understanding your ambition and your vision in life- not only to yourself and also to others- is what makes you an exemplary human. And, I feel that apart from the other qualities needed to be Miss World, these are basic human qualities that make you a fantastic human and a beauty queen that inspires a lot," she adds.

About Sini Shetty:

Hailing from the dynamic state of Karnataka, Sini Shetty, a 24-year-old native of Mumbai, embodies the intricate blend of her Karnataka heritage, where cultural roots and family lineage seamlessly intertwine. Sini's love for dance, nurtured since the age of four, led her to complete Arangetram in Bharatanatyam at the age of fourteen. Juggling her professional pursuits, she envisions expanding her family business while actively upholding the tradition of social service. An avid explorer, Sini delights in immersing herself in diverse cultures, grappling with unfamiliar languages, and navigating unknown cities. A woman with unwavering self-confidence, she confronts challenges with determination and strives to continually enhance herself.

As Sini gears up for Miss World, she took to her social media handle and wrote, "Tu hi meri manzil hai, pehchaan tujh hi se! 🇮🇳 To represent your country is an honour, but to embody its spirit is a calling. As I take this calling today, know that every heartbeat of mine beats for India, aiming to raise our flag higher than ever before on the world stage."

"Today, as I stand on the brink of a journey that’s much bigger than me, I hold the Tricolour 🇮🇳 not just in my hands, but in my heart. Embarking on this path to the 71st Miss World pageant, I carry more than dreams; I carry the pride, hopes, and love of my country. From this moment on, I am not just Sini Shetty; I am India. Every step I take, every word I speak, will be a reflection of the land that raised me, the culture that shaped me and the people who believe in me. Holding this flag high, I step forward with pride and honour. For me, for us, for India," she added.