Matcha tea's health benefits have been a popular topic for a long time. Matcha's antioxidant concentration is more than ten times that of our own bodies, and even world-class athletes like Serena Williams swear by it! We'll go over all you need to know about the numerous matcha tea advantages ahead.

Matcha, commonly known as Japanese green tea, is manufactured from finely ground, dried Camellia sinensis plant leaves that are slowly steamed with hot water to produce their unique bright green colour. Although it has traditionally been enjoyed in Japan and China, matcha has now become one of the most popular beverages and is mostly utilised in daily life.

Matcha tea is valued for its high concentration of the green, caffeinated component EGCG, which gives it a distinct, non-bitter flavour and a vibrant green colour. It tastes gentler and more delicate than other teas, with a sweet aftertaste carefully balanced by the bitterness of the leaves and its high chlorophyll levels.

Health Benefits Of Matcha Tea: 

Good For Liver: Matcha tea has been found in studies to boost liver health. When you consume matcha tea on a regular basis, it reduces the enzymes in your liver, lowering your chance of liver disease. It also protects against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. You'll be taking care of both your liver and your kidneys this way.

Rich In Antioxidants And Vitamins: Catechins, a type of plant chemical found in matcha tea, function as a natural antioxidant. Matcha tea has 137 times the antioxidant content of other forms of green tea. What's more, because matcha powder is created wholly from tea leaves, the nutrients in the tea are not lost.

Helps To Lower Blood Pressure: Matcha tea lowers blood pressure because of its high antioxidant content. It is especially beneficial for people who have high blood pressure and are stressed. It is believed to decrease blood pressure and help you relax when consumed in the proper proportions - just one of the many matcha tea benefits. Numerous research also shed light on matcha green tea's anti-obesity mechanism and possible dietary intervention for obesity and related metabolic syndrome.

Helps To Maintain Oral Health: A cup of matcha tea per day is the ideal strategy to maintain your teeth strong. Its all-natural components and fluoride, which enter the tea from the soil, can significantly improve your dental health and offer you strong teeth. Several studies show that green tea and its polyphenols are good for dental health.

Here's How You Can Make Matcha Tea: 

Making the ideal therapeutic cup of matcha tea is a straightforward process. Traditionally made with a bamboo whisk, it only takes a few simple steps to prepare your cup of goodness.

  • In a cup, place 1 teaspoon of matcha.

  • Whisk with a spoonful of boiling water until it becomes foamy.

  • Pour in the remaining water and enjoy the numerous matcha tea benefits.

  • If you're feeling adventurous, try a splash of almond milk or honey!

If you're a die-hard matcha tea lover or intend to become one in the future, you could also invest in a bamboo whisk and make it the traditional way.