Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is a man of simple tastes and when it comes to clothing, you all must have noticed that he wears the same T-shirt every day.

But don't be fooled by his simple attire, there is an important reason behind it.

Recently, in his first public Q&A at Facebook's HQ Zuckerberg revealed he wears the same clothes repeatedly so that he could limit the time in making silly decisions and can concentrate on real work.

As per media reports, Zuckerberg said, he wanted to dedicate all of his energy towards just building the best products and services.

It may be worth mentioning here that Apple's founder Steve Jobs used to wear the same clothes too (mostly jeans and a black turtleneck shirt).

When it comes to clothes, US President Barack Obama has a similar theory too. He has many other decisions to make, so choosing what suit to wear is not his priority, said media reports.