Malaika Arora, known for her unwavering dedication to fitness, continues to inspire her followers with her commitment to staying in shape. Frequently glimpsed outside her gym and fitness studio, Malaika takes to social media to share glimpses of her workout routines, encouraging her fans to prioritize physical activity.

In a recent Instagram post, Malaika shared a video of herself kickstarting her week with a "great stress-relieving pose" known as 'Ardha Kapotasana' or half-pigeon pose.

While demonstrating the asana, Malaika wrote, "Good morning, Divas. Today, practise a great stress-relieving pose with me. Half Pigeon Pose, known as Ardha Kapotasana, is an effective hip-opening asana that helps improve and maintain hip flexibility."

The caption of her post also outlined the benefits of this particular asana, stating, "This pose releases any stiffness or tension in the back and deeply stretches the lower body muscles. If you've had an overwhelming day, practise this pose to end your day by grounding yourself and embracing stillness amidst chaos. It will calm your nerves and relax you thoroughly."

Take A Look At The Post: 

How To Perform Ardha Kapotasana:

  1. Begin in a Tabletop position, on all fours.

  2. Move your right knee forward, placing it behind the right wrist. The right ankle should be in front of the left hip, naturally flexed.

  3. Tuck your left toes and gently slide your left foot back to extend the leg. Ensure that your toes point to the back, and the leg is aligned with your body.

  4. Keep your arms resting on the floor.

  5. Hold this pose for 3 to 5 minutes. Then release, take a moment in Child's pose, and repeat on the other side.