New Delhi: This year's Purnima Tithi (Full Moon Night) of Kartik, Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of the lunar cycle), is predicted to bring about a Purna Chandra Grahan or Total Lunar Eclipse. The Lunar Eclipse will be visible with the unaided eye from various locations in India.
The Moon will cross the umbra of the earth's shadow on this day. In other words, when the Earth stands between the Sun and the Moon and prevents the Sun from lighting the Moon, a Purna Chandra Grahan happens.

It's interesting to note that only the eastern parts of the country will be able to see the whole lunar eclipse, although observers in other areas can see the partial eclipse. 

Chandra Grahan Date And Time:

According to Drik Panchang, the timings for Chandra Grahan 2022 in Delhi are as follows:

Lunar Eclipse Starts (With Moonrise): 05:32 PM
Lunar Eclipse Ends: 06:18 PM

Moonrise: 05:32 PM

Local Eclipse Duration: 00 Hours 45 Mins 48 Secs

First Contact with the Penumbra: 01:33 PM
First Contact with the Umbra: 02:40 PM

Total Phase Begins: 03:47 PM
Maximum of Lunar Eclipse: 04:29 PM
Total Phase Ends: 05:11 PM

Last Contact with the Umbra: 06:18 PM
Last Contact with the Penumbra: 07:25 PM

Duration of Total Phase: 01 Hour 24 Mins 28 Secs
Duration of Partial Phase: 03 Hours 38 Mins 35 Secs
Duration of Penumbral Phase: 05 Hours 52 Mins 02 Secs

The magnitude of the Lunar Eclipse: 1.36
The magnitude of the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 2.42


The time prior to an eclipse, whether solar or lunar, is referred to as Sutak. The Sutak Kaal normally starts 9 hours before the actual start of the Chandra Grahan in the case of Chandra Grahan or Lunar Elipse.
Hindus view Sutak as an unlucky time of year. It is normally advised to stay inside during the eclipse and to refrain from beginning any new projects or activities. 

Sutak Begins: 09:21 AM
Sutak Ends: 06:18 PM
Sutak for Kids, Old and Sick Begins: 02:48 PM
Sutak for Kids, Old and Sick Ends: 06:18 PM

The previous three years' only total lunar eclipse: This month, a lunar eclipse known as the "Beaver Blood Moon" will be visible in the night sky. The next total Lunar eclipse will occur in the year 2025.