New Delhi: Age-related vision impairment and blindness are intricately linked to the ageing process and the emergence of late-life disabilities. India harbours an alarming statistic of visually impaired individuals worldwide reside within its borders. This proportion is poised to surge further as India's population experiences rapid aging and expansion.

Eye Problems That Senior Citizens Can Suffer From:

In this regard, Dr. Ashwin Santosh Shetty, Consultant, Aster CMI Hospital said that it is common to experience vision changes as one ages, and low vision may impact mobility and independence. He then went on to list out the most common eye conditions among senior citizens, one should watch for:


It is a common condition among 40 years and above, a type of farsightedness i.e. gradual loss of one’s ability to see close by objects.  Though it is a natural phase of getting old, day-to-day activities such as reading newspapers or working on the computer do get challenging.  This can be treated with corrective vision glasses.  

Cataracts: Clouding of the Lens of the eye

Cataract is one of the well-known causes of blindness. People with cataracts can suffer from blurred vision and if left untreated can lead to complete vision loss .Cataracts occur due to clouding of the lens of the eye.  In this condition, proteins in the eyes get altered and cloud vision. Cataracts typically cause significant vision loss in people above 60 years of age, however in Diabetics and people on certain medications like Corticosteroids they may manifest much sooner. Cataracts can be treated with surgery where the cloudy lens is replaced by an artificial lens and it is completely curable.  

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD):

Age-related macular degeneration affects those aged 60 and above . In the milder forms it may not cause any symptoms. The more severe forms( Exudative ARMD) can cause significant loss of central vision.

Diabetic Retinopathy:

People with diabetes can develop changes in the Retina called Diabetic Retinopathy , diabetic retinopathy, and high blood glucose is the main cause of this. It happens when high blood sugar levels damage blood vessels in the retina.   Good blood sugar control can help prevent complications of Diabetic Retinopathy. LASERS , injections into the eye and occasional surgery maybe needed to treat the complications of Diabetic Retinopathy.


Glaucoma leads to increased fluid pressure in the eye which can cause damage to the Optic Nerve and cause irreversible blindness. Since Glaucoma in the early stages is asymptomatic, periodic examination by an ophthalmologist is important for early diagnosis and treatment.

Rather than succumbing to these adversities, seniors can proactively safeguard their ocular well-being by embracing progressive eye care strategies, capitalizing on cutting-edge medical interventions, and demonstrating unwavering dedication to nurturing their eye health. This collective approach ensures that seniors can bask in life's intricate experiences with amplified clarity and vibrancy, upholding the richness of their journey.

Tips For Senior Citizens To Maintain Their Eye Health:

As we age, the risk of various eye conditions increases, such as age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, and dry eyes. Here are some tips for senior citizens to maintain their eye health:

  • Regular Eye Exams: Schedule regular comprehensive eye exams with an eye specialist, preferably annually or as recommended by your doctor. Early detection and treatment of eye conditions can prevent or slow down their progression.

  • Balanced Diet: Consume a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and foods containing omega-3 fatty acids. Foods like leafy greens, fish, citrus fruits, and nuts can support overall eye health.

  • Hydration: Ensure proper hydration by drinking enough water. Adequate hydration supports tear production and prevents dry eyes.

  • Quit Smoking: If you smoke, quitting can significantly reduce the risk of developing eye diseases like macular degeneration and cataracts.

  • UV Protection: Shield your eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation by wearing sunglasses that block 100% of UV rays. This practice helps prevent cataracts and other UV-related eye issues.

  • Manage Chronic Conditions: Keep chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension under control, as they can affect eye health. Adhere to your doctor's recommendations and take prescribed medications as directed.

  • Manage Blood Sugar Levels: For individuals with diabetes, maintaining stable blood sugar levels can help prevent diabetic retinopathy, a potentially sight-threatening condition.

  • Eye Safety: Guard your eyes against potential hazards by wearing safety glasses during activities that could cause eye injury.

  • Rest Breaks: If engaging in extended periods of reading or using digital devices, follow the 20-20-20 rule: take a 20-second break every 20 minutes, looking at something 20 feet away to reduce eye strain.

  • Proper Lighting: Ensure sufficient lighting when reading, working, or performing tasks requiring focus. Inadequate lighting can strain your eyes.

  • Eye Exercises: Incorporate simple eye exercises, such as focusing on a near object and then a distant one, to maintain eye flexibility and alleviate eye strain.

  • Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Engage in regular physical activity, maintain a healthy weight, and manage stress. These factors contribute to overall well-being, indirectly impacting eye health.

  • Use Lubricating Eye Drops: If experiencing dry eyes, consult a doctor regarding the use of preservative-free lubricating eye drops to keep the eyes moist.

  • Stay Hygienic: Regularly wash your hands, especially before touching your eyes, to prevent eye infections.

  • Limit Screen Time: Minimize prolonged screen time and ensure proper screen ergonomics to reduce digital eye strain.

"Preserving our eye health is more than ensuring clear vision; it's about nurturing the windows to our world," emphasizes Dr. Sneha Kankaria, Glaucoma and Cataract Consultant, Dr. Agarwal's Eye Hospital, Chembur, Mumbai. "By embracing eye care today, we secure the richness of our experiences as we age. Regular eye check-ups, an antioxidant-rich diet, and an active lifestyle all contribute to maintaining our vision. Remember, prevention is our ally; early detection can avert irreversible damage."

The experts emphasize annual eye examinations after 40, or more frequent checks for those with diabetes or hypertension. Early detection is vital, as many eye conditions progress silently. Prioritizing eye health not only sustains independent living but also safeguards the tales our eyes are yet to witness.

Food To Be Included In Diet To Maintain Eye Health:

The significance of healthy eating in old age cannot be denied. If the importance of a healthy diet is ignored, it can drastically deteriorate the health of seniors and vision problems are quite common among the elderly. Including the proper foods for seniors can delay or prevent common eye ailments like macular degeneration, cataracts, dry eye, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and retinal detachment.  

The following foods suggested byb Nutritionist Harleen Gill contain essential nutrients that boost eye health: 

  • Antioxidants- Being an excellent source of Vitamin C, A and flavonoids that act as potent antioxidants, citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, sweet limes, grapefruits , tomatoes along with different berries are highly effective in healthy visions in seniors.

  • Spinach and kale- they are excellent food sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, a plant pigments called carotenoids that have been shown to protect the retina from oxidative changes caused by UV light. 

  • Choose dark green or bright coloured fruits and vegetables to obtain the most antioxidants. Broccoli, the eye boosting super veggie is rich in vitamin C, beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. It makes the eye lenses stronger, improves eye sight and gives a strong reason to serve it to the elderly.

  • Carrots being a great source of Vitamin A and Lutein, have been considered an effective food choice for good eyesight. Not only they protect the eyes but also improve blurred vision. It’s really helpful if the person has cataract.

  • Eggs- they are great source of sulphur, amino acids, cysteine, Leyton and vitamin A, act as an amazing food option for better eyesight. Besides being a great source of protein, nutrients in eggs are eye- boosting that protects from dryness and night blindness. Also improves overall eye health and function

  • Omega 3 fatty acids- these essential fats are needed to craft the cell membranes that retain eye structure. It also helps in protecting eyes from dry eye syndrome, macular degeneration and cataracts in seniors. You have choices like almonds, pistachios, peanuts, walnuts, flaxseed oil , canola oil. Besides, if the elder loves having seafood, they can consider salmon , tuna, mackerel provided if is well cooked.

  • Eat whole grains and cereals- whole grains that are low in the glycemic index are pretty good options for foods for eye health as these not only minimise the risk of macular degeneration but also in maintains a good vision. Switch from refined carbs to complex carbs like quinoa, barley, whole oats as they are rich source of zinc, niacin and vitamin E.

  • legumes - they are the foods for eye power. Green gram, red lentils, kidney beans, blacked eyed peas, chickpeas are a powerhouse of bioflavonoids and zinc that protects the retina . They are excellent source of plant protein. So make sure to include a bowl of legume to allow the elderly to reap its benefits.

  • Avoid sodium as it may add to your risk of cataract formation. Use less salt, and look for sodium content on the labels of canned and packaged foods.

  • Stay hydrated - Round out a healthy diet with low fat products such as skim milk for calcium, vegetable juices, non caffeinated herbal teas and water. Proper hydration also may reduce irritation from dry eyes.

  • Dark chocolate- It is now among the best food options for eye vision. Being a great source of flavonoids, they may improve visual acuity and contrast sensitivity. Whenever you get dark chocolates for seniors make sure it is completely pure.

  • Nutritional Supplements- Before you take any supplements for your eyes, see an eye doctor for a comprehensive eye exam and discussion of the benefits, risks of eye vitamins and other supplements, including which supplements might be best for you.