Mediterranean diet is based on the traditional foods of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. The diet is both delicious and nutritious and is rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Cheese does play a role in the Mediterranean diet, but it is typically consumed in moderation, and the type of cheese also matters. Contradictory to popular belief, cheese, particularly cheddar, and mozzarella, are sources of good fats, complementing the Mediterranean diet with both flavour and nutritional advantages.

In this regard, Dr. Nirupama Rao, who is a Nutritionist, at Rejua Energy Centre, Mumbai said, "Mediterranean diets favour cheese that are low in saturated fats and salt. Cheese can be a source of protein. It is often used to complement dishes rich in vegetables, legumes and whole grains. It is essential to remember that the Mediterranean diet is not just about individual foods but also about the overall pattern of eating. The diet emphasises on fresh whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and olive oil. Cheese is a part of this, but it is balanced with other nutritious components to promote heart health and overall well-being.

Health Benefits Of Cheese In Mediterranean Diet:

Nutritionist Harleen Gill said, "Different from many other trending eating patterns, the Mediterranean diet is meant to be easily customizable. Rather than a strict meal plan, it's a way of eating that emphasizes enjoying whole foods and regular physical activity."

But if you are wondering how cheese fits into a Mediterranean diet then you can relax. Because in the Mediterranean diet, cheese is definitely on the menu! Cheese is an important part of the Mediterranean diet. But how it is good for your health? Harleen Gill explained:

  1. Calcium: It contains calcium which increases peak bone mass, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and other conditions. Calcium promotes red blood cell production and supports brain function. It also provides phosphorus, vitamin A, B2, B12 and essential fatty acids required for lean muscle mass. 

  2. Probiotic-rich: Importantly, fermented cheese is part of a traditional Mediterranean diet and is also probiotic-rich. Probiotics are great for your gut health. A healthy gut microbiome is proving to have a positive impact on your whole body and brain. 

  3. Satiating: Since cheese is high in protein, it helps you to feel fuller for longer while also improving the flavour of your meals. Who hasn't enjoyed their salad a little more when sprinkled with cheese? 

"Make sure the cheese you are getting contains no artificial additives. In a traditional Mediterranean diet, cheese is made with milk, a natural culture and not much more. That way, all the goodness is there and nothing you don't need. Always go for fresh cheese as they have a higher moisture content and are softer. They are naturally lower in sodium and fat than regular cheese. The freshness also makes the cheese easier to digest. According to a healthy Mediterranean diet, about 30 grams is a standard. Serve cheese or two servings of cheese per day," she added.

The Healthy Role Of Cheddar And Mozzarella

Shilpa Kumar, who is an In-House Organic Recipe Curator, at Akshayakalpa Organic said, "Cheddar and mozzarella - two beloved varieties, provide healthful fats that are in line with the diet's principles."

The following are some of the reasons why cheese is so important in this diet as mentioned by her:

  • Rich in Nutrients: Cheese is a concentrated supply of critical nutrients such as calcium, protein, and vitamins like B12 and riboflavin. These nutrients help to improve general health and well-being.

  • Moderate Saturated Fat Content: Although cheese contains saturated fat, the Mediterranean diet emphasizes moderation, making it a heart-healthy supplement.

  • Versatility: Cheese can be incorporated into numerous Mediterranean dishes, from salads to pasta to appetizers. It adds depth and flavor to these meals, making them more satisfying.

Embracing Healthy Fats In Mediterranean Dishes:

Let's explore two delectable recipes curated by Shilpa Kumar that showcase the versatility of cheddar and mozzarella in the Mediterranean diet:


Mediterranean Cheddar and Vegetable Stuffed Peppers: Savour the Mediterranean with these vibrant stuffed peppers. Halve and clean four bell peppers. In a bowl, mix cooked quinoa, cherry tomatoes, black beans, shredded cheddar, red onion, garlic, cumin, paprika, salt, and pepper. Stuff the peppers, bake at 375°F (190°C) for 25-30 minutes and garnish with fresh cilantro. A delicious and nutritious twist to a classic dish.


Mediterranean Margherita Pizza with Mozzarella: Indulge in a Mediterranean Margherita Pizza for a taste of Italy. Roll out pizza dough and spread tomato sauce. Top with mozzarella slices, bake following the dough instructions until golden. Sprinkle fresh basil, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and season with salt and pepper. A simple yet exquisite pizza that captures the essence of the Mediterranean diet.


Cheese, when thoughtfully incorporated into the Mediterranean diet, becomes an instrument in a symphony of flavours that celebrate both health and culinary delight. From the vibrant burst of a cheddar-stuffed pepper to the classic elegance of a mozzarella Margherita pizza, these cheeses add depth and richness to the Mediterranean dining experience.

Types Of Cheese In Mediterranean Diet:

Richi, who is the Founder of Habbit and Orange Room said, "Mediterranean cheeses have garnered widespread popularity in recent times, and for good reason. Varieties such as Halloumi, Feta, Ricotta, and Fresh Mozzarella have found their way into the daily diets of people across the Mediterranean region, enjoyed at any hour of the day."


She then went on to talk about each of them:

  • Halloumi, known for its unique texture when grilled, presents a culinary experience that's both tantalizing and health-conscious. When prepared with care, it retains its form, making it a fantastic addition to salads and dishes like grilled chorizo. The result is a delicious fusion of flavours and a boost in the overall nutritional value of the meal.

  • Feta, a classic Greek cheese crafted from the milk of sheep and goats, has a special place in Mediterranean cuisine. It's incredibly versatile and complements a wide range of dishes, from salads and starters to pide and various dips. With its tangy, crumbly texture, Feta adds a distinctive and delightful dimension to Mediterranean flavors.

  • Mozzarella, celebrated for its relatively lower fat and calorie content, is another cheese that aligns harmoniously with the Mediterranean diet's health-conscious ethos. Its inclusion in Mediterranean dishes not only enhances taste but also maintains a focus on balanced nutrition.

The Mediterranean diet's appreciation for cheese underscores the harmonious coexistence of tradition and health-conscious choices. The thoughtful selection and moderate consumption of these delectable dairy products not only enhance the flavor and richness of the cuisine but also positively contribute to the well-being of those who savor these culinary delights.