Hydration is a crucial aspect of winter skincare and its importance cannot be overstated. During the colder months, the air becomes drier and the humidity levels drop, leading to a decrease in the skin’s natural moisture levels. This can result in dry, flaky and irritated skin. To combat these effects, it’s essential to maintain proper hydration both internally and externally. While many reach for heavy creams and moisturizers, one key element is often underestimated in winter skincare – hydration.

Role Of Hydration In Winter Skincare

Dr Ruby Sachdev, who is a Consultant - Aesthetic Physician & Founder of Skinnfit Medspa Gleneagles Hospital Richmond Bengaluru mentioned the role of hydration in winter skincare:

Combatting Dryness:

During winter, the cold air outside and the dry indoor heating systems can strip your skin of its natural moisture. Hydration is crucial to counteract this loss and maintain a healthy skin barrier. Drinking an adequate amount of water ensures that your skin stays moisturized from within.

Preventing Chapped Lips:

Chapped and cracked lips are a common winter woe. Ensuring proper hydration by drinking water and using a moisturizing lip balm can help keep your lips soft and kissable throughout the season.

Enhancing Skin Elasticity:

Well-hydrated skin is more elastic and less prone to developing fine lines and wrinkles. When your skin is adequately hydrated, it appears plump and youthful, making it an essential part of your anti-aging skincare routine.

Brightening Dull Skin:

Winter can leave your skin looking dull and lifeless. Proper hydration can help improve your complexion by giving your skin a natural, healthy glow. When your body is hydrated, your skin can flush out toxins more effectively, leaving you with a fresh and radiant look.

Soothing Irritated Skin:

Dry and windy winter conditions can often lead to irritated and red skin. Drinking enough water can help soothe inflammation and reduce redness, making your skin feel more comfortable.

Accelerating Healing:

If you do happen to get skin irritations, like dry patches or windburn, staying well-hydrated can speed up the healing process. Proper hydration supports your skin's natural ability to repair itself.

Tips For Hydrating Your Skin:

To ensure your skin receives the hydration it needs during winter, consider the following tips:

  1. Drink plenty of water. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day.

  2. Use a humidifier in your home to add moisture to the dry indoor air.

  3. Choose a hydrating skincare routine that includes products with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides.

  4. Don't forget to moisturize. Apply a nourishing moisturizer to seal in moisture after cleansing your face.

In addition, Swagatika Das, who is the Founder of Nat Habit said, "During this season, it is crucial to adapt skincare routines. Embracing richer, more moisturising products becomes imperative, ensuring adequate hydration and fortifying the skin's protective barrier against the loss of moisture.. Both face & body moisturisers become essential to bolster your skin's resilience for a healthy winter. Ingredients such as Washed Ghee, Milk Malai, Walnut, Flaxseed known for their hydration, moisture lock, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory attributes, prove beneficial."

How To Stay Hydrated Internally And Externally?

Ganеsh Kamath, who is the Co-founder, of Earthraga said, "Internally- staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is vital. It helps maintain the skin’s elasticity and suppleness from the inside out. Additionally, consuming foods rich in water content, such as fruits and vegetables, can also contribute to overall skin hydration."

"Externally- using a rich, hydrating moisturizer is a key to combating dryness and maintaining the skin’s moisture barrier. Opt for products that contain hyaluronic acid, ceramides and antioxidants to support the skin’s health. It’s also important to avoid hot showers, as they can strip the skin of its natural oils. Instead, opt for lukewarm showers to prevent excessive dryness," he added.