In a world where the beauty industry inundates consumers with a vast assortment of skincare products, it's easy to underestimate the potential of readily available ingredients in your own kitchen. Transforming household items into skincare solutions not only offers the opportunity to personalise your skincare regimen but also promotes a more eco-friendly and budget-conscious approach to self-care. In this article, we will discuss how you can harness the potency of natural ingredients to attain healthier, radiant skin.

DrAjay Rana, who is an internationally renowned Dermatologist, Surgeon, Aesthetic Physician and the Founder & Director of ILAMED & Dermalyn Aesthetics suggested the following:

1. Honey for Moisturisation: Honey is a versatile ingredient celebrated for its exceptional moisturizing properties. Create a hydrating face mask by blending it with a touch of yogurt, or blend it with sugar for a gentle exfoliating scrub.

2. Olive Oil as a Cleanser: Olive oil is a gentle yet effective cleanser capable of removing makeup and impurities without depleting your skin's natural oils. Simply massage it onto your face and remove with a warm washcloth.

3. Oatmeal for Calming: Oatmeal is a perfect choice for soothing sensitive or irritated skin. Grind it into a fine powder and combine it with water to craft a soothing face mask, or toss it into your bathwater for a tranquil soak.

4. Aloe Vera for Healing: Aloe vera gel is celebrated for its remarkable healing properties. Apply it to sunburned or irritated skin for prompt relief, or incorporate it as a base for a homemade moisturiser.

5. Turmeric for Brightening: Turmeric boasts antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities that can illuminate your complexion. Mix it with yogurt or honey to create an invigorating face mask.

6. Green Tea as Toner: Brewed green tea serves as an exceptional toner. After cooling, gently apply it to your face using a cotton ball to alleviate redness and inflammation.

7. Coconut Oil for Makeup Removal: Coconut oil is a natural makeup remover capable of dissolving even stubborn waterproof products. Ensure thorough rinsing afterward.

8. Avocado for Nourishment: Avocado is teeming with vitamins and healthy fats that can nourish your skin. Mash it into a paste and use it as a hydrating face mask.

Organic Saffron for Glowing Skin

Saffron is a special spice known as "red gold." People have cherished it for ages, not only for cooking but also because it can make your skin look amazing. Organic saffron, which means it's grown without harmful chemicals, has become popular for making your skin healthy and glowing. Ayush Aggarwal, Founder, Rasayanam, explains how organic saffron can do wonders for your skin.

What is Organic Saffron?

Organic saffron is saffron that's grown without using things like chemicals or pesticides. This way, it stays pure and healthy for your skin.

Benefits of Saffron for Glowing Skin:

  • Brightens Your Skin: Organic saffron has strong stuff in it called antioxidants, like crocin and crocetin. These help fight against things that can harm your skin, making your skin look even, reducing dark spots, and giving it a healthy glow.

  • Gets Rid of Scars and Spots: Organic saffron can help fade scars, marks, and dark spots on your skin. If you want your skin to look better, saffron can help.

  • Helps You Look Younger: Saffron's antioxidants can slow down how fast your skin ages. This means fewer wrinkles and lines, so you can keep that youthful look.

  • Good for Acne: Saffron can also help with acne. It fights against the bad stuff on your skin that causes acne and helps soothe red and irritated skin.

How to Use Organic Saffron for Your Skin:

  • Saffron Face Masks: You can make a mask with saffron by mixing a few strands with things like yogurt, honey, or rosewater. Put this on your face for 15-20 minutes and wash it off. Your skin will feel fresh and look better.

  • Saffron Oils: Saffron-infused oils, like saffron oil or almond oil with saffron, can make your skin healthy and smooth. You just put them on your skin like lotion.

  • Saffron Toner: Mix saffron with rosewater to make a natural toner. After you clean your face, use this to keep your skin hydrated and feeling good.

  • Eat Saffron: Eating saffron in your food is another way to get beautiful skin. You can add it to tea, rice, or desserts, and it'll help your skin from the inside.

DIY Skincare Tips From Home Ingredients:

Seeza Bhardwaj who is the Founder of The Green Loom said, "Creating skincare products at home can be fun and a cost-effective way to take care of your skin. As a DIY enthusiast, I find it encouraging to see so many individuals exploring what mother nature has provided us. It's remarkable how readily available kitchen ingredients can be incredibly effective."

She went on to suggest the following:


  • It has antiseptic properties and it is rich in anti oxidants. It is a great ingredient for oily skin and acne prone skin.

  • Add a pinch of cinnamon powder to 1 spoon of honey and 1 spoon of yogurt. This is an effective face and body pack. It helps in removing acne and blemishes and gives an instant glow.

  • Quick tip- For a relaxing spa experience, add oat powder to the mixture, let it sit for 10 minutes, and then gently scrub your skin. Oat powder is a gentle exfoliator.

Green tea/ herbal teas:

  • With its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial superpowers, green tea works like magic to keep acne at bay and also quite effective to fight blemishes. 

  • Add fuller’s clay to green tea water/ herbal  and a few drops of sweet almond oil.  This face pack with help to tighten your skin. clear your clogged pores. Sweet almond oil will keep the skin hydrated.

Infused oils:

  • This is one of the best face and body moisturizers you can have. Before we experiment with it, it is important that we know the herbs and oils we want to use. I recommend using dried herbs and flowers as wet ingredients carry the risk of microbiological infection.

  • Use olive oil, sunflower oil, almond oil or jojoba oil for making oils.

  • Take a clean, airtight container. Put in the dried flowers or herbs from which you want to extract the therapeutic properties. I like to use dried rose petals and hibiscus flowers. Pour the oil into the jar. Make sure that the dried flowers or herbs are covered with oil. Place the container in the shade for 2 weeks or wrap it in a cloth and leave it in the sun for 2 to 3 weeks.

  • You can separate the oil and use it as a facial oil and as a body oil after a bath