New Delhi: Gotu kola is an Asian perennial plant. Because of its possible health benefits, it has been utilised in traditional medicine for many years.
Some people claim that gotu kola can aid in wound healing, increase cognition, and lower blood pressure. These unusually shaped leaves are the plant's most important portion, and they are most typically utilised in herbal medicine.

They can be converted into gels, lotions, pill supplements, ointments, and other forms to aid in the treatment of a variety of diseases ranging from anxiety to cardiovascular disease. This is due to the high concentration of unique triterpenoid chemicals (also known as saponins) found in it. The plant grows in tropical, damp environments and produces a little white or pink bloom from a leaf that resembles a palm leaf.

Health Benefits Of Gotu Kola:

Listed below are some of the health benefits of Gotu Kola:

1. Improves Cognition:

The findings of a short clinical investigation suggest that gotu kola may benefit older persons, with a mean age of around 65 years old. In fact, older folks had better moods. Furthermore, study participants demonstrated increased cognitive functions such as attention, decision-making, learning, memory, problem-solving, and so on. However, a 2017 systematic review and meta-analysis revealed that gotu kola did not appear to boost cognitive performance, but rather may improve mood by raising attentiveness and decreasing aggression.

2. Good For The Skin:

Gotu kola includes saponins, which improve the appearance of the skin and are high in antioxidants. Its capacity to minimise the appearance of scars, wrinkles and other imperfections has piqued the curiosity of several cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies. According to studies, gotu kola can also be used to treat wounds, burns, and hypertrophic scars.

3. Aids In Blood Circualtion:

Gotu kola actually has two functions in the vascular system. Firstly , the plant extract can protect and strengthen blood vessels and capillary walls, preventing blood loss and optimising the circulatory system. Second, it increases blood flow, which increases oxygenation in many sections of the body and critical organ systems. This also reduces the symptoms of poor blood circulation, such as edoema, leg heaviness, and soreness.

4. Reduces Symptoms Of Psoriasis:

Gotu kola has the ability to prevent skin cell reproduction. Although ineffective, it can be used as a herbal remedy to alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis, a hyperproliferative skin illness.

5. May Reduce Insomnia:

Because of its reported potential to cure anxiety, stress, and depression, gotu kola may also be used to treat the sleeplessness that can accompany these diseases. Some people believe that this herbal medicine is a safe alternative to prescription pharmaceuticals for treating insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Although past research indicates that gotu kola can help treat sleep disturbances, more research is needed to corroborate these findings.

Side Effects Of Gotu Kola:

Pregnant and breastfeeding women, anyone undergoing surgery, and people with liver problems should avoid Gotu kola. The following are some common adverse effects:

Skin Allergies: Adverse reactions to Centella Asiatica include skin redness, itching, and hives.

Gastrointestinal distress: Some people may experience upset stomach, nausea, or unusually coloured stool.

Drowsiness: Possible adverse effects include dizziness, headache, and drowsiness.