Egg Boiling Tips: As protein is found in abundance in eggs, eating them provides all necessary nutrients. Eggs can be eaten in many forms such as scrambled, omelet, or even boiled. Apart from this, people who are fond of eating eggs also prefer their eggs in a curry or commonly called egg curry.

The trick is how to retain the exact shape of the egg as it does not burst while boiling. Or if it stays undercooked then all the fun of the egg curry is gone.  

Don't need to worry anymore as we are going to tell you the right way to boil eggs. 

Follow These Tips: 

1- To boil an egg, first pour water into a pan and heat it.
2- Keep in mind that while boiling the egg, add water enough to immerse it. 
3- Keep in mind that while boiling the eggs do so in a big vessel, so that they don't collide
4- When the water starts simmering, slowly add eggs to it.
5- Always keep the flame medium while boiling the egg.
6- Now put half a teaspoon of salt in the water.
7- After boiling the eggs for about 15 minutes, turn off the gas.
8- Now take out the eggs from the hot water and put them in a container of cold water.
9- After 10 minutes, take the eggs out of the cold water and peel them.
10- With this, the eggshell will come off easily and will be easier to peel 

Whenever you boil an egg, keep these things in mind. The hallmark of a well-boiled egg is that the center of the egg should be shiny. There should be no green marks around the center of the egg. If it looks like this, then understand that the eggs have boiled excessively.