Healty Tea Recipe: Having a cup of hot tea feels no less than drinking elixir on rainy days. Families in India drink tea atleast once or twice daily. In fact, people in our country love tea so much that they just need to find an excuse to have a nice cup of hot and refreshing tea. A number of factors like rainfall, sleepiness, hunger may trigger your need to have tea. However, there are a number of things you need to keep in mind while preparing and consuming tea. Tea should not only refreshen your senses, but also improve your health and increase your immunity.

Today we would tell you a recipe for making a special kind of tea, which would not only fulfil your need for tea but also improve your immunity against illnesses like COVID-19. A number of spices we use in the kitchen have got immunity building properties. Cinnamon and Honey are some of these spices. Making a tea out of these two ingredients and consuming it on a daily basis can not only improve your health, but also increasing your body's immunity. Let's know the benefits of this Cinnamon and Honey tea.

Benefits of Cinnamon and Honey:

The benefits of cinnamon and have been mentioned in Ayurveda. Honey and Cinnamon help reduce inflammation and also help eliminate allergies, along with improving immunity in human body. Consuming tea made with Cinnamon and Honey could not only improve your health, but also tremendously increase your immunity.


Steps to make this immunity-boosting Cinnamon and Honey Tea:
1. Boil one cup of water in a pan. 
2. Now add a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon powder to the water and mix it.
3. Now boil this concoction for 2 to 3 minutes. 
4. Add a teaspoon of honey to this concoction. 
5. Drink it hot every morning on an empty stomach, just like tea. 
6. If you like milk in your morning tea, garnish it with a sprinkle of cinnamon powder or a cinnamon stick before consuming it.
7. You can also add basil leaves and black pepper to this tea to increase its immunity boosting benefits.
8. Ginger tea is also quite beneficial to your health, especially during the rainy season. You can also add ginger to your tea before drinking.  
9. You can also drink lemon tea to increase immunity. 
10. Apart from this, you can also keep yourself fit by consuming kahwa tea or green tea.