Karwa Chauth 2023 is fast approaching, and with it comes the celebration of marital love in northern and western India. This Hindu festival, also known as Karaka Chaturthi, is set to be observed on November 1, marking a day of fasting and devotion for married couples. The festival coincides with the fourth day after the full moon in the Hindu month of Kartik, typically falling in either October or November on the Gregorian calendar. While traditionally a day when married women fast for the well-being and longevity of their husbands, modern times have seen husbands also participating in the fast for the well-being of their wives.

On this auspicious day, women don traditional attire, apply mehndi (henna), and come together to partake in rituals and prayers. The fasting period extends from sunrise to moonrise, and the fast is traditionally broken after sighting the moon, often using a sieve.

READ | Karwa Chauth 2023 Date Confusion: October 31 Or November 1? Timings, Moonrise And More Revealed

While the day primarily focuses on the devotion and love expressed by wives, husbands also have a significant role to play. To enhance their wives' experience, there are certain gestures husbands can make. Here are some do's and don'ts for husbands to support and actively participate in this meaningful observance.


  1. Ensure your spouse consumes a healthy and energizing meal before commencing the fast, with a focus on carbohydrates.

  2. Prioritize her hydration by ensuring she has consumed sufficient water and other beverages like lassi, chaach, or coconut water to prevent fatigue, dry mouth, and headaches.

  3. Dedicate quality time to her, if possible, taking a break from work to express your love and appreciation.

  4. Express gratitude for her efforts and sacrifices, acknowledging her devotion and love.

  5. Actively participate in the festivities, even if you are not fasting, by refraining from elaborate meals in her presence out of respect.

  6. Keep her mind occupied and distracted from food cravings by engaging in interactive activities, watching a favourite film, reading, listening to music, or planting trees.


  1. Do not pressure your wife to fast if she is unwilling or unable to do so. Encourage her to eat and provide your support.

  2. Maintain a positive and harmonious atmosphere at home, avoiding arguments or negativity on this auspicious day.

  3. If your wife is unwell, do not insist on fasting. It is essential for her to consume the necessary nutrients for her well-being. If she is pregnant or has an underlying medical condition, obtain her doctor's approval before fasting.

Husbands can make Karwa Chauth 2023 a memorable and treasured experience for their adoring wives by following these simple guidelines. This observance not only reflects a deep love bond, but it also emphasises the value of mutual respect and support within a marriage.