Karwa Chauth 2021: The month of Kartik has started on Thursday and the first fast of Kartik falls on Sunday, October 24. This is the fast popularly known as 'Karva Chauth'. Married women observe a strict fast on this day, praying for their husbands' health and long life. Lord Shiva and his family are worshipped in the evening.

After worshipping the moon at night, the husband breaks the wife's fast by serving her water with his own hands. It is believed that Karwa Chauth helps strengthen the relationship between a husband and wife. 

ALSO READ | Karwa Chauth 2021 Moon-Sighting Time: Know When Moon Is Likely To Appear In Your City

While Karva Chauth fast is observed following pre-existing norms, women should consider their health and wellbeing before deciding to observe the fast. A number of women face health issues and fasting at a time when they suffer from these concerns is not good for their health. In such a situation, they are advised not to fast and stick to worship only.

Here are some health conditions in which women are advised to refrain from fasting: 


Lifestyles changes have been the source of a number of health issues in people nowadays. Diseases that were only found in elderly people in the past have become common in youngsters as well. Hence, a number of women suffer from diabetes, which makes it highly risky for them to fast as they should not stay hungry and thirsty for long durations of time. Doing so may have dire consequences on their health, like an increase in blood sugar levels, increased risk of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Hence, it is not recommended for them to fast on Karva Chauth and they should do so only after consulting a doctor.  

Pregnant Women:

A pregnant woman's body needs a higher amount of nutrition, so fasting on Karva Chauth could impact their health as well as the health of their unborn child. It is said that fasting in the first and third trimesters is highly risky. Depending on one's health, medical professionals may allow a woman to fast during her second trimester, provided she strictly follows instructions given by them.

Blood Pressure:

Some people face an imbalance in blood pressure regularly. Such people are not recommended to fast on Karva Chauth. Since diet and medicines play a decisive role in the control of blood pressure, fasting may cause blood pressure to go up or dip, either of which is not good for health. Hence, people suffering from Blood Pressure issues should refrain from fasting on Karva Chauth.