Karva Chauth 2021 Pujan Samagri List: According to Hindi Panchang, the Karva Chauth fast is observed every year on the fourth day of the Krishna paksha of Kartik month. Karva Chauth vrat is one of the most auspicious festivals in Hinduism. This festival is said to have one of the most difficult rituals. On this day, women observe 'nirjala' (without water) and 'nirahar' (without food) fast throughout the day, then fasting women view the moon, which is followed by ritual worship. Women then drink water to conclude the fast. Married women observe this fast for the long life and well-being of their husbands.

When is Karva Chauth 2021 (Karwa Chauth 2021 Date and Day)

According to Hindi Panchang, the festival of Karva Chauth vrat will be observed on Sunday, 24 October 2021, the fourth day of the Krishna paksha of Kartik month. Besides Karva Chauth, this date is also known as Sankranti Chaturthi

Moon rise timing for Karva Chauth: Viewing the moon is of utmost importance in Karva Chauth vrat. This fast is considered incomplete without viewing the moon. According to the Panchang, the moon will rise at 08:07 pm on this day.

Karva Chauth Vrat Puja-Inauspicious Time

The timing of Rahu Kaal: On the day of Karva Chauth Vrat i.e. 24th October, Rahu Kaal will be from 16:18:41 to 17:43:11. It is forbidden to do auspicious work during this time. The results of activities conducted at this time are not auspicious.

Karva Chauth Vrat Puja-Auspicious Time

Abhijeet Muhurat (Time)- 11:42:40 to 12:27:43

Puja Samagri for Karva Chauth Vrat

Women who fast during Karva Chauth vrat should have sandalwood, honey, agarbatti (incense sticks), flower, bindi, red chunri, bangles, raw milk, sweets, gangajal, akshat (rice), vermilion, mehndi, sugar, pure ghee, curd, mahawar, comb, bicchiya (toe ring), an earthen pot and a lid, sugar bhura, turmeric, water Kalash, lamp, cotton, camphor, wheat, photo of Goddess Parvati, eight puris, halwa, wooden seat, and money for Dakshina. Before the puja, you must decorate the puja plate with all the above-mentioned puja samagri.