Renowned for her fashion sense, Kareena Kapoor, has taken on a new role as the face of Masaba Gupta's bridal line. In a recent video released by House of Masaba, Kareena showcases various bridal looks from the designer's latest collection. While Kareena has often been seen in Masaba's clothing, this marks her debut as the brand ambassador.
Take A Look At The Video Here:
The brand introduced her as the "very first Masaba Bride" and described her as "a face that is haunting, beautiful, memorable and makes you want to be as you are." They also hailed her as a "celebration of strength, independence, and individuality".
Masaba Gupta's Netflix show, "Masaba Masaba," featured a fictional storyline in its second season in which Masaba attempts to launch her bridal line. Now that the designer has successfully unveiled her bridal collection, it remains to be seen if this narrative will be incorporated into the show's next season.
Kareena Kapoor, last seen in Sujoy Ghosh's "Jaane Jaan," received acclaim for her performance in the Netflix film. Her upcoming project, "The Buckingham Murders," directed by Hansal Mehta, features her in the role of a detective living in the UK. This film also marks her debut as a producer and co-stars with celebrity chef and actor Ranveer Brar. Speaking about their collaboration, Brar mentioned an interesting incident during filming.
"There was a scene in which she had to slap me. She’s a very gentle woman, she was like, ‘No, Ranveer, I can’t slap you for real’. Even Hansal sir was clear about no real slaps. And so we tried three or four cheat shots. We tried it four times, but it wasn’t working. I had to look scared at that point of time of her, and she realised she wasn’t scary enough, and I wasn’t reacting to it. I will not say what she did, but she did something… I was sh*t scared of her in that split second. If they got a close-up of my face, you’ll see that I’ve never been that scared of anybody in my entire life," he mentioned during a chat with Pinkvilla.
Kareena is also eagerly awaiting the release of Rhea Kapoor's "The Crew," in which she stars alongside Tabu and Kriti Sanon.