New Delhi: The fast of Kajri Teej is very important for women. Women look forward to Kajri Teej every year. Married women observe this fast for the safety of their spouse. On Kajri Teej, women pray for their husband's long life by observing fast without water. They also seek blessings from their mother.

The fast of Kajri Teej is observed on the third day of Krishna paksha of the month of Bhadra. In 2021, the fast of Kajri Teej will be observed on Wednesday, August 25. Kajri Teej is also known as Kajali Teej, Burhi Teej and Saturi Teej. On this day, women pray for the long life of their husbands by observing the fast. Women do not drink water during the fast hence it is also known as nirjala fast.

Kajri Teej Timings

  • Tritiya Tithi starts at- 4:05 pm to (August 24)

  • Tritiya Tithi Ends at - 04:18 PM (August 25)

Puja method for Kajri Teej

-On the day of Kajri Teej, women should make a clay or cow dung idol of Lord Shiva and Mother Gauri after bathing in the morning. Idols of Lord Shiva and Gauri Mata can be bought from the market. Place the idols of Mata Gauri and Lord Shiva by laying red cloth at the puja altar.

Worship Shiva and Gauri. Offer 16 items to Mata Gauri during the puja.Offer bael leaves, cow's milk, madaraka flowers, water from the holy river Ganga, dhatura, bhang, etc. to Lord Shiva. Listen to the story of Shiva and Gauri. Then light incense and lamps and perform aarti. Observe the fast after seeing the moon in the evening.  

Importance of Kajri Teej

It is a popular belief that Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati fulfil the wishes of women who perform this vrat. Women seek the blessings of Mahadev and Mother Parvati, for a happy married life. It is believed that if there are obstacles in a girl's marriage, then she should observe this fast. It is said that when a girl performs this vrat, Lord Shiva eliminates the obstacles in her marriage.