Jyeshtha Purnima 2022: The full moon of Jyeshtha month in the year 2022 will occur on Tuesday, June 14. Fasting and worshipping holds a special significance at such times. If fasting is done on a full moon day one also gets free from Pitra Dosh. Jyeshtha Purnima is one of the most important and auspicious days in Hindu religion. 


Jyeshtha Purnima 2022: Full Moon Date and Auspicious Time

The date of Purnima will start on June 13 at 9:02 pm and will end on Tuesday, June 14.

The auspicious time of Purnima will be from 11:54 am to 12:49 pm.

Moonrise time is at 7:29 on a full moon day


Jyeshtha Purnima 2022: Vrat Moonrise Time 

The time of moonrise on a full moon day is 7.29 pm. In such a situation, there is a special benefit of worshipping Chandradev.


Jyeshtha Purnima 2022: Purnima Vrat Puja Vidhi 

Those who observe fast on the full moon of Jyeshtha month start the fast by taking bath early in the morning. Women feed on fruits on the day of fasting. The fast is broken only after sighting the moon in the evening. On this day people also listen to the story of Satyanarayan Vrat. Goddess Lakshmi is also worshipped to seek her blessings. Chandra Dosh gets removed by seeing the moon.

Taking water in a pot, adding milk, sugar, akshat and flowers to it, water is offered at the time of moon sighting. On the full moon day of Jyeshtha month, women worship the banyan tree for the long life of their husband. Along with this, they pray to Goddess Lakshmi for the progress and prosperity of the house.

The fast of Vat Savitri is marked in North India on the new moon day of Jyeshtha month. Lord Hanuman’s blessings will also be received by worshipping and observing fast on this day.