Physical fitness and mental health are complementary practices that make for a total body and mind workout. These are interdependent components of a human being and we require both if we want to achieve happiness, success and health in life. If the body is in good health but the mind is not or vice versa, then this is not considered holistic health. The body is the instrument of physical activity and needs to be exercised, along with the mind, that comprises of thought processes which influence the decisions that we make in life.

According to Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, who is a Yoga and Spiritual Leader and founder of Akshar Yoga Kendraa, "Both the mind and the body need to cooperate and work in a harmonious relation to one another. For example you may be physically fit enough to get out of bed but if the mind is weak and it has no purpose or reason to leave the bed then you will continue sleeping all day long. Only when the mind is also strong in will and clear with its purpose then you will be able to spring out of bed enthusiastically ready to face the day."

How Being Physically Fit Influences Our Mental Health?


Shivani Mehrotra, who is a Yoga Specialist, at MyGALF said, "Our physical well-being directly influences our mental state. When we engage in regular physical activity, whether it's a brisk walk, a jog, or a yoga session, we trigger the release of endorphins – those feel-good hormones that lift our spirits. It's like nature's way of giving us a mental boost."


"Furthermore, physical fitness enhances our resilience to stress. When we push our physical boundaries, whether through weightlifting, swimming, or even holding a challenging yoga pose, we are training our minds to face challenges head-on. This newfound mental strength doesn't just stay on the mat or in the gym; it carries over to our daily lives, helping us tackle stressors with greater poise and composure," she added.


How Yoga Provides A Connection Between Physical Fitness And Mental Health?


The journey towards physical fitness is not about vanity or unrealistic standards; it's about self-care and self-love. It's about honoring our bodies for all that they do for us. When we engage in activities that promote physical fitness, we are essentially sending a powerful message to ourselves.


Yoga, with its diverse range of asanas, is a beautiful avenue to explore this connection between physical and mental fitness. Each asana not only nurtures the body but also brings peace to the mind.


Here are some yoga asanas suggested by Shivani Mehrotra, that can provide a holistic approach to improving both your physical fitness and mental health. Remember to practice them with mindfulness and deep, relaxed breathing to maximize their benefits.


1. Savasana (Corpse Pose): This seemingly simple pose is a powerful tool for relaxation and stress reduction. It allows your body to rest completely, promoting physical relaxation and mental calmness. Practicing Savasana at the end of your yoga session can help integrate the benefits of other asanas and provide mental clarity.


2. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose): This pose combines physical strength and mental focus. It stretches the entire body, strengthens the arms and legs, and also calms the mind. As you press your palms into the mat and lengthen your spine, you'll feel both physically invigorated and mentally centered.


3. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose): Balancing poses like Vrikshasana require concentration and mental steadiness. While standing on one leg and rooting the other foot into your thigh, you'll enhance your physical balance and coordination while simultaneously improving mental focus and inner stability.


4. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): This backbend not only strengthens the spine and opens the chest but also helps alleviate stress and anxiety. As you arch your back and lift your chest while breathing deeply, you release tension physically and mentally, promoting a sense of well-being.


On concluding, Deepti Chandy, who is a therapist and COO, Anna Chandy and Associates said, "A healthy mind is essential as it governs our perceptions, emotions, and enhances resilience and our overall well-being. Our mind and body is interconnected. Staying physically active is a critical life-hack to nurturing a robust and healthy mind.