New Delhi: Sahar Tabar, an Iranian woman, had risen to fame in 2019 after undergoing plastic surgery to resemble Angeline Jolie. But, the procedures had in turn made her look malnourished and creepy. Later, in the same year, Sahar received ten years' imprisonment as a result of Iran's strict blasphemy laws. At present, the 21-year-old is set free, and in a recent interview, she disclosed her true identity.

Sharing her true story with The Independent, an activist revealed that Sahar's look was not the result of any botched cosmetic surgery, instead it was all a joke. "Sahar Tabar is only 19. Her joke landed her in jail. Her mother cries every day to get her innocent daughter freed. Dear Angelina Jolie, we need your voice here.", The Independent had written a year back.

Sahar was released from prison after 14 months, which coincided with widespread demonstrations in favour of women's rights across the nation. 

Fatemeh Khishvand, aka Sahar Tabar, claimed that she always wanted to be renowned and thus she had chosen the macabre makeover to attract attention from around the world. She also revealed her true face in an interview and also confessed that whatever she did earlier was actually just make-up and Photoshop to get more followers on Instagram. 

"Cyberspace was an easy way. It was much easier than becoming an actor," she told a state-run outlet. She also said that the viral photo of her was excessively Photoshopped despite the fact that she had previously undergone cosmetic operations like obtaining a nose job and lip fillers.

Interestingly, she had previously stated that her appearance was the result of 50 cosmetic surgeries, in an attempt to look like Angeline Jolie.