As International Coffee Day dawns upon us, there's no better way to celebrate this beloved beverage than by exploring a delightful array of coffee recipes. From classic espresso-based concoctions to unique and indulgent creations, join us on a flavourful journey through the world of coffee. Whether you're a coffee aficionado or a casual sipper, these recipes will awaken your senses and infuse your day with the rich aroma and comforting warmth of coffee. Also, if you want to add a punch to your parties, you can also try a few coffee cocktails!


So, grab your favorite mug and let's dive into a world of coffee magic, perfect for commemorating this International Coffee Day!


1. South Indian Filter Coffee:


Ashish D'abreo who is a Q-grader, coffee roaster and co-founder of Maverick & Farmer Coffee shared, "South Indian filter coffee brewing is one of the few methods that uses a slightly more compact ratio. While most brewing methods have a 1:16 ratio of coffee grounds to water, the South Indian filter coffee method uses 1:10."


"To get a little maverick or experimental with the South Indian filter coffee, we still have to start with the classic or traditional decoction. In South Indian filter coffee maker, put 15 grams of medium-fine ground coffee (medium-dark roasts work best for this method),  pack it in lightly and then pour 150 gms of hot water, short of boiling point (about 94 degrees C) over it. Allow this to steep and then permeate to collect the rich and precious decoction in the lower chamber," added Ashish D'abreo.

He then suggested two ways to jazz up the brew from here:

a) Dark Chocolate Iced Filter Kaapi:

  • To 150 gms of milk, add 30 grams of good-quality dark chocolate.

  • Heat slightly to melt the chocolate, and then allow the mixture to cool.

  • Add any sweetener of choice (if you like it sweet) to taste.

  • In a tall glass, fill ice and pour the chocolate milk mixture over it.

  • Cover tightly and shake well to create some foam.

  • Layer on top, 30 gms of the filter coffee decoction.


Dark Chocolate Iced Filter Kaapi (Image Source: Maverick & Farmer Coffee)

b) Oatmilk Chikki Filter Kaapi:

  • Take 50 grams of peanut chikki (the buttery kind is best) and grind with 50 grams of sugar syrup. Set aside.

  • In a filter coffee cup, mix 25 gms of the filter coffee decoction with 30 gms of the chikki paste. Stir well.

  • Heat 100 gms of oat milk and foam it by pouring the hot milk from one cup to another.

  • Pour this frothy hot milk over the coffee mixture. Stir gently and serve hot.


Oatmilk Chikki Filter Kaapi (Image Source: Maverick & Farmer Coffee)


2. Coffee Buzz Martini: (By Shreyas Bhagat, who is the Director of Food and Beverage at Radisson Blu Mumbai International Airport)


  • 2 ounces vodka 

  • 1/2 ounces Bailey’s Irish cream liquor 

  • 1/2 ounces Kahlua coffee liquor 

  • 1 ounce simple syrup 

  • 1/2 cup strong brewed coffee cooled to room temperature


  •  Combine all ingredients in a shaker. Strain into a martini glass & rim the glass, garnish with coffee beans.

3. White Russian (By Shreyas Bhagat, who is the Director of Food and Beverage at Radisson Blu Mumbai International Airport)


  • 2 oz vodka

  • 1 oz coffee liqueur

  • .25 oz simple syrup

  • Top hand whipped heavy cream


  • Pour coffee liqueur and vodka into an old-fashioned glass filled with ice. Float fresh cream on top and stir slowly & garnish with a cinnamon stick.

4. The Cortado (By Rahul Shinde, who is the F&B Executive, Pune Sugar Box, Conrad Pune)

  • The word 'cortado' comes from the word 'cortar,' which is the Spanish verb meaning 'to cut'. The cortado is rightly named so because the milk is meant to cut through the espresso.

  • A cortado is a popular smaller-sized hot coffee beverage that contains espresso and warm milk. The balance between the espresso and milk is 1:1, (about half espresso, half milk). This amount of milk primarily serves to reduce the acidity of the espresso. It’s also important to note that the warm milk in the cortado is steamed, but it doesn’t have as much froth or milk foam as other Italian coffee beverages.


  • 1 shot of espresso

  • Around 30 ml steamed milk


  • Pour milk into milk pitcher.

  • Extract one shots of espresso into small espresso cup.

  • While espresso is extracting, steam your milk. Make sure there isn't any foam. Milk should be only a little hot to the touch.

  • Slowly pour milk in espresso. Enjoy!


The Cortado (Image Source: Pune Sugar Box, Conrad Pune)

5. German Eiskaffe (By Rahul Shinde, who is the F&B Executive, Pune Sugar Box, Conrad Pune)

  • It's not just iced coffee, meaning coffee served over ice cubes, like is served in other countries, such as in the United States. It's one of the best quick easy dessert recipes that's very traditional in Germany. Why is this one of the best? Because it combines both coffee and ice cream. And, it's so very simple to make. Yummy! 


  • 1 cup heavy cream

  • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar

  • 1 scoop vanilla ice cream

  • 1 cup cold strong coffee

  • chocolate shavings or sprinkles, to garnish


  • Whip the heavy cream with the sugar until stiff.

  • Take a tall glass, put 1 small scoop of vanilla ice cream.

  • Pour the coffee over the ice cream.

  • Top glass with whipped cream. Garnish with chocolate shavings, serve immediately with a long-stemmed teaspoon and a straw.

6. Iced Caramel Macchiato: (By Chef Shipra Khanna)


  • Brew a strong cup of coffee and let it cool.

  • Fill a glass with ice cubes.

  • Pour the cooled coffee over the ice.

  • Add a shot of caramel syrup and a splash of milk.

  • Stir and enjoy!


Iced Caramel Macchiato (Image Source: Chef Shipra Khanna)

 7. Cinnamon Mocha: (By Chef Shipra Khanna)


  • Brew a cup of your favorite coffee.

  • Add 1-2 tablespoons of cocoa powder and a pinch of cinnamon to the coffee.

  • Stir until well mixed.

  • Top with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cocoa powder.


Cinnamon Mocha (Image Source: Chef Shipra Khanna)

8. Deep Dark Magnum Coffee Cocktail (By Bartender Anand Thapa- MIMI Elevated Cocktails- Bar and Restaurant, Jaipur)


  • 50 ml Irish whiskey

  • 15 ml Patron Cafe

  • 30 ml Coffee deduction

  • 10 ml Maple syrup

  • Coffee foam

  • Dark chocolate chips

  • Shaving chocolate for garnish

  • Champagne saucer glass


  • Start by preparing your ingredients and equipment. Ensure that your champagne saucer glass is chilled, and have your coffee foam and dark chocolate chips ready.

  • In a mixing glass, combine the following ingredients: 50 ml Irish whiskey, 15 ml Patron Cafe, 30 ml Coffee deduction and 10 ml Maple syrup

  • Insert a stirrer into the mixing glass and gently stir the mixture for approximately 60 seconds. This will help blend the flavors and chill the cocktail.

  • After stirring, strain the cocktail into your chilled champagne saucer glass. Make sure not to fill it to the brim, leaving some room for garnishes.

  • Prepare the rim of the champagne saucer glass by dipping it into coffee foam. The foam should lightly coat the rim of the glass.

  • To add an extra touch of elegance, gently press dark chocolate chips onto the coffee foam around the rim of the glass.

  • Finally, garnish your Deep Dark Magnum Coffee Cocktail with shaved chocolate on top of the drink. You can use a grater or a chocolate shaver to create delicate chocolate shavings.

  • Serve your Coffee Cocktail immediately and enjoy!

9. Iced-Mocha (By Chef Ranveer Brar for Hershey India)


  • ¼ Cup Warm Water

  • ¼ Cup fat free half and half

  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder

  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract

  • 1 Cup ice


  • Place water, half and half, cocoa, instant coffee, sugar substitute and vanilla in blender container; cover and blend on low speed.

  • Add ice; cover and blend on high speed until smooth. 

  • Serve immediately over ice. 1-1/3 cups Mocha. About two 8oz. servings with ice.


Iced Mocha (Image Source: Hershey India)