Every year, on October 1, we observe International Coffee Day, a day dedicated to celebrating our cherished coffee, acknowledging its cultural and economic importance, and advocating for sustainable coffee practices. The concept of commemorating this day originated from the International Coffee Organization (ICO), an intergovernmental body committed to advancing the sustainability of coffee production. 

On this day, ABP Live sought the opinion of experts who let us know how much coffee is beneficial and what are the potential side effects of this beverage. Additionally, they also explained the control of caffeine over our brains.

How Much Coffee Per Day Is Beneficial? 

Dietician Garima Goyal said, "Though having an excess of coffee may have its own set of disadvantages, drinking coffee is not at all bad for you if consumed within limits. A coffee intake of 2-3 cups a day will be okay and provides a wide array of health benefits too."

Talking about caffeine, which is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about coffee she said, "Caffeine is known as the most commonly consumed psychoactive substance in the world. Caffeine content may vary depending on the cup size, but an average cup of 240 ml of coffee contains 100 mg of caffeine. Several sources suggest that 400 mg of caffeine per day — the equivalent of 4 cups (945 ml) of coffee — is safe for most healthy adults. But coffee also contains antioxidants and other active substances that may reduce internal inflammation and protect against diseases."

However, the tolerance level varies among individuals.

"Our body contains various genes that affect the sensitivity towards this stimulant. Depending on your genetic makeup, you may tolerate a lot of caffeine — or very little," said Garima. "Most people are somewhere in the middle. Your acquired tolerance is also very important. Those who drink coffee every day can tolerate much more than those who drink it rarely."

"Also while consuming coffee, keep one thing in mind and that is its calorific value. Instead of loading up with sugar and milk, have little milk added and use naturally sweet spices and flavourings," she further added.

Thus, moderate coffee consumption can definitely be a part of a healthy lifestyle. While there are some potential side effects of consuming coffee, and certain people should avoid it, generally, enjoying coffee every day appears to be fine.

Side Effects Of Coffee:

It is important to note that caffeine affects people differently, and some people may be more sensitive to its effects than others. Additionally, some medications and herbal supplements may interact with caffeine, leading to adverse effects such as nausea, heart palpitations, and high blood pressure.

In this regard, Karthigai Selvi A, who is the HOD-Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics at BGS Gleneagles Global Hospitals, Kengeri, Bangalore said, "Coffee is a beverage prepared from roasted coffee beans. Factors such as processing and brewing time affect the caffeine level. Coffee drinks such as brewed, brewed decaf, Espresso, Espresso decaf, Instant, and Instant decaf have 96,2,64,0,62,2 mg of caffeine respectively per 30ml."

Additionally, Kanikka Malhotra who is a Consultant Dietician & Diabetes Educator mentioned some of the side effects of coffee:

  • Headache: Drinking large amounts of coffee can cause headaches

  • Insomnia: Consuming too much caffeine can cause insomnia or difficulty sleeping

  • Nervousness and irritability: High caffeine intake can lead to nervousness and irritability

  • Frequent urination or inability to control urination: Drinking more than 4 cups of coffee a day can cause frequent urination or inability to control urination.

  • Fast heartbeat: High caffeine intake can cause a fast heartbeat

  • Muscle tremors: Drinking more than 4 cups of coffee a day can cause muscle tremors

  • Anxiety: High levels of caffeine consumption can lead to anxiety

  • Digestive issues: Large doses of caffeine may lead to loose stools or even diarrhoea in some people

  • Addiction: Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause addiction

  • High blood pressure: In several studies, caffeine has been shown to raise blood pressure due to its stimulatory effect

"Apart from caffeine, tannin is also present in tea and coffee and is known to interfere with iron absorption. Coffee should be avoided at least for one hour before and after meals," Karthigai Selvi A said.

Control Of Caffeine Over Our Brain:

Abhijeet Satani, who is a Neuroscientist said, "Caffеinе addiction involvеs thе brain's intricatе nеurochеmistry, specifically focusing on its intеraction with adеnosinе rеcеptors and thе subsеquеnt nеural adaptations that drivе dеpеndеncе and tolеrancе. Caffеinе, a natural stimulant found in various bеvеragеs and foods, is structurally akin to adеnosinе, a nеurotransmittеr that inducеs drowsinеss and rеlaxation by binding to adеnosinе rеcеptors. It functions by compеtitivеly blocking thеsе rеcеptors, thwarting thе calming еffеcts of adеnosinе and rеsulting in incrеasеd alеrtnеss and arousal."

"Long-tеrm or еxcеssivе consumption of caffеinе can inducе adaptivе changеs in thе brain, notably an incrеasе in thе numbеr of adеnosinе rеcеptors. Thе brain sееks to maintain a balancе, and in rеsponsе to thе pеrsistеnt blockadе of adеnosinе rеcеptors by caffеinе, it augmеnts thе rеcеptor count. Consеquеntly habitual caffеinе usеrs dеvеlop tolеrancе, rеquiring highеr dosеs to achiеvе thе dеsirеd stimulating еffеcts. The brain adapts to thе chronic prеsеncе of caffеinе by altеring its nеurochеmistry, a procеss intеgral to addiction dеvеlopmеnt," he added.

Furthеrmorе, caffеinе affеcts thе brain's dopaminе lеvеls, a nеurotransmittеr cеntral to thе rеward and plеasurе circuitry. 


Talking about this, Abhijeet said, "Caffеinе intakе lеads to an upsurgе in dopaminе production, rеinforcing thе plеasurablе sеnsations associatеd with consumption. This rеinforcеmеnt mеchanism, linkеd to thе brain's rеward systеm, is a fundamеntal aspect of addiction. Thе brain bеcomеs conditionеd to associatе caffеinе consumption with a plеasurablе rеsponsе, fostеring a cyclе of incrеasеd intakе and furthеr rеinforcing thе addiction."

"From a nеurosciеncе pеrspеctivе, chronic caffеinе consumption also impacts thе prеfrontal cortеx, a rеgion critical for еxеcutivе functions such as dеcision-making,  impulsе control, and attеntion. Rеsеarch suggests that habitual caffеinе usе can modify thе structurе and function of this brain rеgion, potentially affеcting an individual's ability to rеgulatе thеir caffеinе intakе. This altеration in thе prеfrontal cortеx may contribute to a rеducеd ability to control impulsеs rеlatеd to caffеinе consumption, furthеr еxacеrbating addiction," he added.

Psychological Aspects Of Coffee Consumption

Coffee is consumed by millions of people across the globe and has seen numerous reports suggesting that it may enhance your mood, and productivity, and even boost your creativity. The main active substance in coffee is caffeine. It boosts the central nervous system, stimulating wakefulness and elevating mood. Therefore, we experience more energy and productivity. Caffeine blocks adenosine, a neurotransmitter that triggers sleep and relaxation thus, you feel energized and awakened.

Additionally, coffee also enhances cognitive functions such as attention, focus, and response time. "This is extremely helpful when you have to focus on long hours, such as doing your homework or working for long hours at the office. The fact coffee increases alertness and focus which can improve concentration in creative activities indirectly affects creativity," said Chaitanya Bhamidipaty, who is the Co-Founder of Roastea.

"It also temporarily alleviates symptoms of fatigue and low energy, leading to a more positive mood, which is why many people use coffee as a mood lifter. Coffee consumption may have a role in regulating mood by modulating the activity of certain neurotransmitters. Some individuals report feeling more relaxed and less stressed after drinking coffee and they usually get more innovative and are open to new ideas as they feel good," he added.

Chaitanya also said that people usually consume coffee together, for instance, when going out with friends to a café. These social interactions and an environment in a café can positively contribute to your mood. 

However, it's essential to be mindful of individual tolerance levels and avoid excessive caffeine intake, which can lead to jitteriness, anxiety and disrupted sleep patterns. One needs to balance coffee consumption with a healthy lifestyle, adequate sleep, and self-awareness to ensure its positive effects outweigh any potential drawbacks.