Many natural calamities destroy life, heat is one of them. The scorching sun and heatwaves can cause many diseases. Hot and dry summer wind must not be taken lightly. Fatigue, dehydration, and heatstroke are major health problems during summer. Therefore, it is necessary to take precautionary measures to avoid the heatwave.

Skin protection from the sun There is a risk of harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun, and it's important to protect the skin against it. As far as possible, exposure to sunlight should be avoided and one must leave the house when it's cooler in the day such as morning, evening, or night. If it is necessary to go out, use sunscreen. Some medicines can also harm your skin due to excessive exposure to the sun. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the side effects of certain medicines. 

Stay dehydrated Dehydration is a major health problem during scorching heat. As a result, the amount of water intake goes down during the day. Some people can become dehydrated due to excessive sweating, diabetes, and certain medicines like Diuretics. Dehydration can also cause headaches, fatigue and a weak pulse. So, make sure to drink plenty of water during the day. 

Protecting your eyes Excessive exposure to the sun can cause permanent damage to the eyes. Strong sunlight is also a basic cause of headache. Protect your eyes from ultraviolet by wearing sunglasses. If you are using doctor-recommended glasses, then you should wear lenses that have an additional layer of ultraviolet protection.

Eating suitable food during summer- Eating smaller meals and consuming more fruits and vegetables means getting more energy for the body. This will increase your energy level and reduce your chances of getting heatstroke. 

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