As the festive season is here, there's no better time to make sure your skin is at its absolute best. With all the celebrations, gatherings, and photographs that come with this joyful time of year, you'll want to ensure your skin is glowing and flawless. In this comprehensive skincare guide, we'll unveil the secrets to achieving a luminous complexion and provide you with a step-by-step plan to make your skin the centre of attention. So, get ready to embark on a journey toward achieving that radiant, picture-perfect skin for the festive season ahead.

Why Is Skincare Important During Festive Season?

Gaurav Singh, who is the Founder & MD of Atulya – Beacon Bio Life Sciences Pvt Ltd. said, "As the festive season is approaching, embracing a comprehensive skincare regimen is of paramount importance. Festive skin care is essential to prioritise your skincare routine to radiate that natural glow."

He also went on to list the reasons why this is so important:

  • Firstly, this season involves a lot of enjoyment. You are engaged in social gatherings & celebrations and eat oily and spicy food, which may take a toll on your skin. A versatile skincare routine, when followed religiously, ensures your skin is clear, hydrated and radiant. This boosts your confidence and allows you to put your best foot forward.

  • Secondly, the changing weather can have a major impact on your skin. Transitioning from hot to cold and dry climates leads to dandruff, dryness and flakiness. Use natural skincare products that help you combat these challenges and keep your skin comfortable and healthy. Do not skip on using nourishing moisturizers and therapeutic hair and face cleansers.

  • Lastly, the season can be stressful and hectic as you will be busy preparing for and participating in festivities. This can negatively affect your health and skin. Following a proper skincare routine can help you relax and rejuvenate. Enjoy a relaxing bath with essential oils, which can further contribute to overall well-being during this joyous time of year.

Ingredients To Add To Your Skincare Regimen For The Festive Glow:

Rajat Mathur, who is the DGM, Learning Academy at The Body Shop India said, "With the festive calls just around the corner, it's time to brace your skin for all the woes that may arise due to changes in weather or heavy application of makeup. Keeping your skin well-hydrated and moisturised is paramount for maintaining its natural barrier, and preventing dryness and flakiness. In addition to this, well-hydrated skin tends to have a smoother and even skin texture, which can enhance the overall appearance."

Given below are some skincare tips and ingredients shared by him to address common skin concerns, ensuring you’ll radiate confidence and look your best during the upcoming celebrations

  • Vitamin C: This potent antioxidant reduces pigmentation, promotes collagen production for improved skin texture, and helps retain moisture. It also enhances the effectiveness of other skincare products like sunscreen and moisturizers when used together.

  • Tea Tree: Known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, tea tree oil helps manage acne and blemishes, ensuring clear skin to attend all the festive celebrations.

  • Aloe Vera: This soothing ingredient calms irritated skin, locks in moisture, and supports skin healing. This ingredient also fits perfectly for people with sensitive skin.

  • Oats: Oats gently exfoliate, soothe irritation, and improve skin texture, leaving it smooth and refreshed.

In addition, Palak Midha, who is the Co-founder of Miduty said, "Organic plant-based collagen plays a pivotal role by enhancing skin elasticity and hydration while reducing the visibility of fine lines, imparting a more youthful appearance. Collagen could be boosted by consuming collagen-rich foods like bone broth, fish, and chicken, as well as foods high in vitamin C (citrus fruits, berries, broccoli), which supports collagen synthesis. Additionally, helps in protecting your skin from sun damage, and consider collagen-boosting supplements."

"Melatonin, renowned for its sleep-regulating function, contributes significantly to your skin's luminosity. Sleep deprivation often leads to dark circles, a consequence of reduced melatonin production. Beyond its role in restful slumber, melatonin actively supports the skin's rejuvenation process during sleep, promoting that sought-after inner glow. To boost melatonin production, maintain a consistent sleep schedule, expose yourself to natural light during the day, reduce screen time before bedtime, and consume melatonin-rich foods like cherries, grapes, and almonds," she added.

She also mentioned that Vitamin E emerges as a powerful ally in your quest for radiant skin. "Its potent antioxidant properties shield your skin from the detrimental effects of free radicals, fostering a complexion that exudes health and luminosity. Incorporating Vitamin E-rich products into your daily skincare routine is a wise choice, as it guarantees a vibrant and glowing appearance. You can boost natural vitamin E intake by adding nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, and green leafy vegetables, like spinach, to your daily diet."

Tips To Complement Your Western Outfits:

Diksha Juneja, who is a Makeup Expert, at MARS Cosmetics said, "For your everyday Western-style outfit, consider wearing a tinted moisturizer with a touch of blush. It's a quick hack to fake that "I woke up like this" glow. Pair it with a nude lip colour, and you've got yourself a simple but solid look. Here’s a pro tip: mix a few drops of foundation with your morning moisturizer or serum. Not only does this make your foundation last longer, but it also gives you a more modern, dewy finish."

"Secondly, in the makeup world, lipstick always steals the spotlight. It sends a strong message regardless of the colour, so remember this when coordinating your makeup with your outfit. If your clothing boasts vibrant hues, opt for pink or neutral lipstick. If you're dressed in jeans and a basic top, feel free to experiment with bold lipstick choices, such as berry, red, or even orange, to make a statement. Don't forget to consider the finish of the lipstick, as it can enhance or diminish the impact you're aiming for."

Skin Care Tips During Festive Season

Preeti Seth, who is the Founder of Pachouli Aesthetics and Wellness said, Our greatest organ, skin, needs to be prepared for the celebrations that the festive season brings. To give your skin the glow and radiance it truly deserves, there are a few festive tips you can integrate into your daily routine." 

  • Drink Enough Water: Drinking enough water helps maintain skin moisture, flushes out toxins, and keeps your skin supple and radiant. Proper hydration is the cornerstone of healthy skin. There are a number of topical methods and applications based on hyaluronic acid that can be used to hydrate and nourish the skin as a quick remedy.

  • Craft a Skincare Routine: Establish consistency in cleansing with appropriate gentle cleanser according to your skin type after a thorough consultation with an aesthetic physician and cosmetologist, followed by a toner to maintain pH balance, and finish with a moisturiser to replenish the lost moisture. Do not miss the step even when you have oily skin, just choose your product wisely with appropriate recommendations. 

  • The Art of Gentle Exfoliation: Unlock the youthful radiance with regular exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, promoting cell turnover and offering a more youthful appearance. So choose a gentle soft exfoliator with AHA and BHA and limit it to once a week for fresh and radiant skin.

  • Sun Protection: Don't forget sun protection, even during the festive season. Apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30 daily to shield your skin from harmful UV rays that can lead to premature ageing and skin damage.

  • Adequate Sleep is irreplaceable: Ensure you get enough restorative sleep as lack of sleep can lead to dark circles, dull skin, and premature ageing. Aim for at least 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night and help your cells recharge and revive

  • Manage Stress: The festive season can sometimes be stressful. Practice stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga to keep stress levels in check. High stress can negatively impact your skin's appearance. 

  • Stay Hygienic: With the increased social activities during the festive season, remember to keep your hands and make-up applicators clean to prevent skin issues and breakouts. Avoid touching your face again and again and wash your hands and brushes before applying a product. Remove all make-up before you go to bed and allow your skin to breathe

  • Stay Positive: Lastly, maintain a positive attitude. Your emotional well-being can reflect on your skin. Surround yourself with joy and positivity during the festive season. Healthy skin is a reflection of overall wellness, a canvas on which the art of beauty is painted with care and self-love.