Play-Doh is one of the most fun toys that lets you explore your creative side and learn various skills while you play. There are various types of arts and crafts you can make out of Play-Doh. You can learn to make various creatures, patterns, shapes, alphabets, numbers, etc., and make it into a super fun and exciting activity.

Vrinda Jhaveri, Entrepreneur and Owner of November Rain Salon and a Mom Influencer, demonstrated how to make five different creatures out of Play-Doh during an interview with ABP Live.

Elephant – Elephants are the easiest to make using Play-Doh. To make a cute little elephant from Play-Doh, you can either use the blue or grey coloured Play-Doh.

  • Start with making two medium-sized balls and seven small balls. To make the trunk, take one of the small-sized balls and roll it into a log and bend the tip of the log upwards. Affix this trunk to one of the medium-sized balls and smoothen the line by gently merging the trunk and head part together, so that it looks like a single part. Set it aside and now move towards making the main body and legs.

  • To make the legs of the elephant, take four small balls and roll them into 4 logs of equal width and length. Now take these logs and gently affix them to the other medium-sized ball. Two legs in the front and two behind. Now attach the head with the trunk to the medium-sized ball with four legs.

  • With the remaining two small balls make the ear lobes. Flatten the two balls and make them into two large petals and then bring the tapering end of the ears together so they look like the floppy large ears of an elephant. Now affix the ears on either side of the ball with the trunk. Now take a pencil and draw a smile below the trunk.

  • To make the tail take some blue Play-Doh and roll it into a thin line and attach it between the rear legs.

  • Take a little bit of the black Play-Doh and roll it into two tiny dots, which will be the eyes of the elephant. Gently affix it on either side of the trunk. There, your Play-Doh elephant is ready!

Panda -  Aren’t Pandas the cutest creatures? Let’s learn the simplest way to make a Panda using Play-Doh. To make a panda you would need black and white Play-Doh.

  • Take some white Play-Doh and roll it into two medium-sized balls, one a little larger than the other.

  • Now take some black Play-Doh and make two tiny balls out of it and flatten them by gently applying pressure. These two button-like pieces are the ears of the panda. Gently place them on top of the medium-sized white ball and the panda’s ears are all set.

  • To make the eyes, take some black Play-Doh and make two tiny balls, roll them a bit, and then flatten it into oval-shaped buttons. Place the eyes on the white medium ball. Now take very tiny balls of white Play-Doh and gently press them against the two black oval eyes. That completes the eyes of the panda.

  • To make the torso, take the other medium white ball, roll it a bit between your palms, and flatten it gently.

  • Now take a little black Play-Doh and roll it into inch-long logs, and make four such logs.  Ensure the logs tap a little towards one end. These are the hands and legs of the panda. Now gently place the hands on the upper part of the body on either side and similarly place the legs below the hands with the tapering end facing outwards, this would complete your sitting panda.

Turtle -  Play-Doh turtles are really simple to make. Let’s see how. You can either make a single-colored turtle or use more than one colour to make the turtle. We’ll be making a blue and green turtle. You would need a big ball of blue Play-Doh and six small balls of green Play-Doh.

  • Take the big ball of the blue Play-Doh and now make a hollow in the ball with your fingers and widen the hollow and shape it like the shell of the turtle. It should look like the head of the mushroom.

  • Now that you are ready with the shell of the turtle, take some green Play-Doh and make it into a small ball to make the head. Now roll it back and forth between your palms a little so that it gets a cylindrical share. Now pinch one side of the green cylindrical ball and make it tapper towards one end to make the neck longer, while you press the sides of the other end against each other to flatten the sides of the head a bit.  Gently smoothen the edges. Press the tapered end under the blue shell so that only the thicker end i.e. the head is visible from the top.

  • Now that the shell and the head are done, let’s make the tail and the limbs. Take the green ball and roll it back and forth between your hands to get a cylindrical shape. Now flatten the cylindrical-shaped Play-Doh and repeat the same step for the rest of the three green balls. Now that the four limbs are ready, turn the shell upside down and push one end of the green Play-Doh inside the shell and fix the hands and the legs on either side.

  • To make the tail, take a small green ball and roll it and make it tapper towards one end. Place the thicker end of the tail inside the shell and between the rear legs of the turtle. Make sure the head, the limbs, and the tail are fixed well inside the shell.

  • Now pinch the head from either side to make the hollow for the eyes of the turtle. Take some white Play-Doh, make tiny balls, and fix them in the hollow made for the eyes. Now make two really tiny black balls and fix them on the white balls to complete the eyes of the turtle.

  • Now make some six to seven tiny balls of the green Play-Doh, flatten them gently, and place them on top of the big blue shell to make some random spots on the shells to add to the beauty of the turtle. That completes your fun little blue and green Play-Doh turtle.

 Cat - Here’s how to make the cutest-looking cat using Play-Doh. You can make the Play-Doh cat using different colour combinations. We would be using white and blue Play-Doh to make the cat.

  •  Take the white Play-Doh and make it into a medium size ball, which would be the head of the cat.

  • Now take some more white Play-Doh and roll it between your palms back and forth to make the centre part of the body. Make it into a long oval-shaped ball. Ensure that one end tapers a little and the other end is a little wider and flat at the bottom. Now place the head on the tapering end of the centre part of the body, while the wide and flat end rests on the surface.

  • Now to make the ears of the cat, take a little of the white Play-Doh and roll it into thin one-inch logs and pinch both the ends of the ears so that they look like the nice long ears of the cat. Take some blue Play-Doh and roll it into a very thin small line. Make two such thin blue lines and place one line each in the middle of the two ears. Just to add a little detailing to the ears. Now place both ears on the top of the head at a distance.

  • Take some blue Play-Doh, roll it into a ball, and flatten it into an oval shape with the help of a scale. Place this on the central part of the body and make sure it fixes against it well.

  • Now make a long thin tail by rolling the white Play-Doh and sticking to the bottom of the central part, while the rest of the tail rests on the surface.

  • Now make two tiny balls from the white Play-Doh to make the eyes of the cat. Place it on the upper half of the head and now make two tiny black balls, smaller than the white balls, and place it on the centre of the two white balls each to complete the eyes.

  • To make the mouth, take a very tiny bit of the blue Play-Doh and make a tiny line and place it a little lower than the centre of the face, to mark the mouth of the cat.

  • Now take the white Play-Doh and make 6 thin whiskers and place it on either side of the mouth. Your cute kitty is ready.

 Giraffe - You’ll be surprised to know how simple it is to make a beautiful giraffe using Play-Doh.

  • Take some yellow Play-Doh and then roll it into a cylindrical shape. Now bend forward one end of it to make the head of the giraffe. Smoothen the edges of the head.  And make a tiny slit with a toothpick towards the tapering end of the head to denote the mouth of the giraffe.

  • Now take tiny balls of the yellow Play-Doh and shape them into two little triangles to make the two ears of the giraffe.

  • Similarly, take tiny bits of the yellow Play-Doh and make short logs to make the ossicones (horns) of the giraffe. Place the ossicones between the ears.

  • Make two tiny balls from the brown Play-Doh to make the eyes of the giraffe. Flatten it a little and place it on either side. Now make smaller balls of the white Play-Doh and fix them over the brown patches of eyes. Now make two tiny black balls and paste them over the white balls to complete the eyes.

  • To make the centre part of the body, take the yellow Play-Doh and roll it between your palms to give it a cylindrical shape.

  • Now make four long legs of the giraffe by rolling yellow Play-Doh between your palms.    Make sure all four legs are of the same height and width.

  • To make the tail, roll the yellow Play-Doh into a thin line and make it tapered towards the end.

  • Take some brown Play-Doh to make beautiful brown patches on the giraffe. Make tiny balls of the brown Play-Doh and flatten it before pasting them to the body and head. Cover the body and head with these brown patches.

  • You can either join the head, the body, and the legs with the help of a toothpick or just put the parts together by applying gentle pressure.

  • Don’t forget to fix the tail of the giraffe towards the rear end of the central part. This cute giraffe is all set and ready.