Tips to get Rid of Periods Cramps: Menstruation is a difficult time of the month for women. Women have to take care of a lot of things, while suffering from pain. Women suffer from abdominal pain during menstruation, while also suffering from head aches and body pain. A number of women resort to painkillers to counter these pains. However, painkillers have a number of side effects on human body. Today, we would share some home remedies to take care of period cramps and pain without using painkillers. So let's know more about these:

1. Usage of hot water bag or heating pads on abdominal area:
If you suffer from stomach cramps during periods, you should apply heating pads to the abdominal area. This would provide you the much needed relief to muscles of the uterus. Along with this, it is also recommended to take a hot-water bath. This would help you relieve youyr body pain. Consumption of hot drinks is also a recommendation.

2. Consume herbal tea:
Herbal tea is highly beneficial for women during periods. Many experts believe that women should definitely consume ginger tea during menstruation. Not only does it provide relief to pain but also helps in removing fatigue from the body. You can also consume green tea to address the pain.

3. Oil Massage:
Coconut oil is said to be abundant in many antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties and linoleic acid. It is recommended to massage the lower abdomen with this oil. It helps in reducing muscle spasms by reducing body and abdominal pain.

4. Light Exercising:
Many women do not prefer working out during menstruation. Many studies have revealed that doing light exercises during menstruation can provide great relief to pain. You can also take light walks, as they can help reduce pain.