If you have asthma problem, you are not alone. Millions of people around the world have chronic inflammation trouble. Generally, the treatment of asthma involves medication. But some people say yoga can also help reduce asthma symptoms. Although, there is no standard therapy for asthma regular simple practice can provide relief.
Yoga can help increase breathing and body awareness, slow down the respiratory rate and increase calmness, and also reduce stress - all of which are good for people with asthma. In addition, yoga improves your symptoms, usually, there is no harm by doing so. Increased pollution and changing lifestyle are major causes of asthma and external factors are allergies and toxins.
Bhastrika Pranayama- It is a solution and also a protection for asthma patients. In this method, the breath is taken and released gradually as the patient's respiratory system is affected. So, you won't be able to breathe deeply. Keep breathing speed normal and do not perform pranayama speedily, as doing so has an adverse effect on the sensitive lung cells. People who are dependent on inhalers should do pranayama at a more slow pace. Bhastrika Pranayama increases vitality. Perform pranayama for 1 minute in the beginning and finally extend the time by 5 minutes.
Sukhasana - Keep your hands in one posture, take a deep breath and exhale. Keep breathing speed normal. This is the second relief pose and its focus on breathing and stress control makes it an extremely beneficial exercise for asthma patients.
Kapalbhati Pranayama- Phlegm accumulates on the forehead causes sneezing. By performing Kapalbhati, phlegm comes out. Do it once a second and at a moderate speed.