New Delhi: Water used to be stored in copper vessels since ancient times. Several scientific investigations now validate the traditional practice of preserving water in copper vessels, as mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic writings. It was a natural purification process that could kill all of the microorganisms, moulds, fungi, algae, and bacteria that were present in the water and could be harmful to the body, rendering the water safe to drink.

Furthermore, water that has been stored in a copper vessel, preferably overnight or for at least four hours, acquires a certain quality from the copper. 

Health Benefits Of Copper:

Copper is a trace mineral that is crucial for human health. It is antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-inflammatory. It also aids in the neutralisation of toxins. Unlike several other nutrients, the body cannot produce copper, thus it must be obtained through diet. Seafood, organ meats, whole grains, lentils, nuts, seeds, chocolate, cereals, potatoes, peas, and some dark green leafy vegetables are excellent sources of copper. Another simple way to supply your body with enough copper is to drink 2 to 3 glasses of water stored in a copper vessel.

Health Benefits Of Drinking Water In A Copper Vessel:

Drinking water stored in a copper vessel has been claimed to have several health benefits, including:

Helps in the proper functioning of Thyroid Glands: If you have hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, drinking water from copper vessels on a daily basis may be beneficial. It aids in the correction of any inconsistencies in the thyroid gland. Copper keeps your thyroid gland in good condition. It also ensures that your thyroid gland does not over or under-secrete. Thyroid dysfunction can be caused by a lack of copper in the diet. Too much copper, on the other hand, can cause hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, as well as thyroid malfunction.

Supports digestion: Copper-based medication was prescribed in ancient Roman writings to destroy germs in the stomach. It also has properties that stimulate peristalsis, reduce stomach lining inflammation, and aid in digestion. Copper is a great treatment for stomach ulcers, indigestion, and infections of the stomach.

Improves brain health: Our brain sends impulses from one neuron to another through synapses, which are protected by the myelin sheath. It facilitates the flow of these impulses. Copper contributes to the synthesis of phospholipids, which are required for the formation of these sheaths. When you consume water stored in a copper vessel, your brain's impulses flow faster, increasing its efficiency.

Promotes healthy skin: Copper can be used as a natural wrinkle and fine line treatment. Copper's antioxidants aid in the reduction of wrinkles and other signs of ageing. They combat free radicals, which are responsible for skin ageing. Drinking water from copper utensils makes you appear younger than your age. Copper aids in the production of new cells, which replace old, worn-out cells.

Supports heart health: Copper helps reduce your risk of developing heart disease, which is one of the most common ailments. Copper has been discovered to help control blood pressure, and heart rate, and cut harmful cholesterol and triglyceride levels, according to the American Cancer Society.