The Jagannath Rath Yatra dedicated to Lord Jagannath will be celebrated on Friday in the holy city of Puri, Odisha. Millions of people gather to observe the procession in Puri where three chariots are heavily decorated carrying three deities- Lord Jagannath, his elder brother Balabhadra, and younger sister Subhadra. The chariots of Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra are respectively known as Nandighosh, Taladhwaja and Padmadhwaja.

On this day, Lord Jagannath comes out of the 12th century temple and rides the chariots to the Gundicha temple. This is the only occasion in a year when the deities leave the sanctum sanctorum of the main temple and stay at the Gundicha temple for nine days.

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Rath Yatra is celebrated in different parts of the country as devotees pay their homage to Lord Jagannath and wish for happiness and prosperity. Puri Jagannath Dham is one of the char Dhams (pilgrimages) of Hinduism. The pilgrimage site has its own religious importance and sacred beliefs. The festival is also celebrated in different states where devotees pay their homage to Lord Jagannath and wish for happiness and prosperity.

Check wishes to send your loved ones participating in the pulling of the chariot

May Lord Jagannath bless you in abundance and shower you with the virtue of truth. Happy Rath Yatra to all.

Your hard times shall all come to an end as you once devote yourself to the prayers of supreme authority. Krishna loves all and cares for all. Happy Rath Yatra.

Forget the temporary pain, the blessings of the supreme lord shall remain with you forever in the pursuit of life.  Celebrate the day and pray hard.

Let’s Celebrate this Divine Day Day of Glory of Lord Jagannath. Happy Jagannath Rath Yatra 2019!

May Lord Jagannath bless you with happiness & good health. Happy Rath Yatra 2022.

May Lord Jagannath give you the courage you need to face lifes’s challenges with a peaceful heart. Happy Rath Yatra.

We bow to Lord Jagannath and pray that his blessings bring good health and prosperity in everyone’s lives. Jai Jagannath!

It is believed that one day Goddess Subhadra, the younger sister of Lord Jagannath expressed her desire to go around the city and from then this procession is started.

On this pious occasion of Rath Yatra, many many greetings to all of you. May Lord Jagannath shower on you his blessings with happiness, prosperity & peace.