Gudi Padwa, also known as Samvatsar Padvo, falls on March 22 this year. The festival occurs on the first day of the Hindu calendar's Chaitra month, which is also known as the Hindu New Year. Gudi Padwa falls on the first day of Chaitra Navratri and is celebrated by the people of Maharashtra and the Konkan region.
Gudi Padwa is derived from two words: Gudi, which means a flag or emblem of Lord Brahma, and Padwa, which means the first day of the moon's phase. On Gudi Padwa, Lord Brahma is said to have created the universe. On this day, people wake up early in the morning, clean their homes, take a bath, and decorate their front gates with beautiful rangoli designs.
The true meaning of festivals is to remind your loved ones of how important they are to you and to let them know that you are being prayed for. Celebrate Gudi Padwa by sending best wishes and messages to friends and family via WhatsApp, Facebook, and other social media platforms. Check out our curated collection of wishes, messages, and greetings below.
Gudi Padwa 2023: Wishes, Messages, And Greetings
Gudi Padwa marks the start of the New Year! I hope the new year is filled with joy and laughter for you and your family. Happy Gudi Padwa to you.
Let the Gods bestow health, luck, happiness, and prosperity on you and your family this Gudi Padwa. Happy Gudi Padwa.
I hope that this New Year brings you endless joy and new hopes. Happy Gudi Padwa to you!
Gudi Padwa represents a new beginning filled with hopes, dreams, and happiness. May this wonderful year bring you success. Have a happy Gudi Padwa.
Today is a new day, full of new hopes, plans, and missions. Gudi Padwa greetings to you and your family!
May this Gudi Padwa bring you and your family health, wealth, and success, as well as lead you to a life of peace and blissful happiness. Happy Gudi Padwa.
Guddi Padwa has arrived! It's a big day for you and me. I pray for your well-being and health. May you be blessed throughout eternity.