Achieving a festive glow during Diwali involves practices that prioritise both skincare and overall health. According to Dr DM Mahajan, who is a Senior Consultant, Dermatology, at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, "First, hydration is key; ensure ample water intake to keep the skin supple and radiant. Incorporate antioxidant-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts to bolster skin health and combat oxidative stress. During festive indulgences, moderation with sugary and oily foods can help prevent skin issues."

Ways To Take Care Of Your Skin:

Dr. Navnit Haror, who is a Gold Medalist, Chief Dermatologist, Cosmetic & Hair Transplant Surgeon and founder of Dr. Haror’s Wellness, listed some ways to take care of your skin this Diwali

A Beauty Ritual for Every Woman

A glowing complexion is built on a strong foundation: a well-crafted skincare routine. For women, this entails the basics: cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection. These elements are your allies in nurturing skin that's not just aesthetically pleasing but genuinely healthy.

The Significance of Cleansing

The journey towards radiant skin begins with proper cleansing. This is a ritual that should be observed both morning and night. A gentle, hydrating cleanser is your go-to for purifying the skin, ridding it of impurities, and creating a fresh canvas. Consistent cleansing helps ward off common skin issues, such as acne, blemishes, and dullness.

Nourishment Through Moisturising

Hydration is the lifeblood of supple and youthful skin. It's why I advocate for the inclusion of a moisturizer in your daily regimen, one that's tailored to your specific skin type. The right moisturizer not only maintains skin softness and smoothness but also contributes to anti-aging, diminishing the appearance of fine lines.

Sun Protection: Your Skin's Armor

One facet of skincare that can never be disregarded is sun protection. The sun's UV rays can inflict damage upon your skin, causing premature aging, sunspots, and even elevating the risk of skin cancer. This is why I stress the importance of using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to shield your skin.

Understanding Your Unique Skin

Recognizing your skin type and selecting products that are compatible with it is fundamental. Women often have distinctive skincare requirements compared to men. Hence, it's vital to customize your skincare regimen to cater to your specific needs, be it oily, dry, or sensitive skin.

Balancing Diet and Delights During Diwali

During this time, the temptation to indulge in sweets and festive treats is inevitable. However, it's crucial to maintain a balanced diet, especially if you're prone to skin issues. Foods high in sugar and dairy can exacerbate acne. Instead, opt for a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to sustain a clear and radiant complexion.

Stress Management for Glowing Skin

Amidst the celebrations, stress can sometimes accompany the festive season. Stress can act as a trigger for various skin issues, such as acne and eczema. To counter this, I recommend practicing stress management techniques like deep breathing and yoga to ensure that your skin remains healthy and vibrant.

Your Path to Recovery Post-Diwali

After the grandeur of Diwali fades, it's time to focus on post-Diwali skincare. I recommend incorporating exfoliation into your routine to shed dead skin cells and encourage skin renewal. This process can revitalize your skin, leaving it fresh and rejuvenated.


Unlock Your Inner Radiance: How To Achieve Flawless Skin And Stunning Hair This Diwali

Dr Meghana Mour, who is a popular Dermatologist, Cosmetologist, Trichologist & Laser Specialist & Founder of Skuccii said, "It's essential to prioritise a robust skincare routine that caters to your skin's unique requirements during Diwali."

  • Begin by selecting a gentle cleanser for dry skin, allowing it to cleanse without stripping away its natural moisture while opting for a salicylic or AHA-based cleanser for oily skin to maintain a clear and balanced complexion.

  • Follow up with a light moisturizer that provides hydration without overwhelming your skin, ensuring it remains supple and vibrant throughout the festivities.

  • Integrate the transformative power of vitamin C and niacin amide-based serums into your morning ritual, infusing your skin with a youthful radiance that harmonizes with the celebratory ambience.

  • Complete your skincare regimen by shielding your skin with a reliable sunscreen, safeguarding its luminosity and preserving its natural beauty amid the luminous Diwali lights.

  • Also, post make-up, a rigorous routine for make-up removal should also be focused on, using micellar water is the easiest way to get rid of make-up without any irritation to the face. 

Talking about hair care, she listed the following:

  • Initiate a haircare routine that commences with a cleansing session using effective shampoos, ensuring your scalp remains invigorated and your hair gleams with vitality.

  • Embrace the nourishing benefits of a diet rich in almonds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds, providing your hair with the essential nutrients it needs to exude health and brilliance.

  • Incorporate the therapeutic advantages of Vitamin E through weekly scalp massages, alleviating any dryness and promoting a healthy scalp environment that perfectly complements the luminous charm of the Diwali celebrations.

  • Never miss using protective serums on hair before using blow dryer or other hair styling tools. 

In adidition, Anurag Kedia, who is the Co-founder of Pilgrim said, "I believe that any festival remains incomplete without the enhancement of one's skin's natural radiance. While the traditional Diwali ritual helps get the glow on Diwali day, people want to pamper their skin and hair in the week before Diwali. I would say exfoliating with masks and nourishing your skin with the correct moisturisers and serums for your skin type is most important. Additionally, hair masks are an easy way to have a hair spa at home. It is healthy, nourished and silky and ready to take on the styling needs for Diwali parties."