New Delhi: One of the most auspicious Hindu festivals is Chaitra Navratri. It begins on the first day of the Hindu month of Chaitra, from which it gets its name. Hindus honour Goddess Durga on this day and rejoice in the triumph of virtue over evil. Kalasthapna marks the start of the festival festivities, which end on Ramnavami. Some people also keep a nine-day fast while remaining conscious at night to listen to kirtans and bhajans. Chaitra Navratri will begin on March 22 this year.

Wishes to send to your friends and family on Navratri:

  • Happy Navratri! May this auspicious occasion bring peace, prosperity and happiness to you and your family.

  • On the occasion of Navratri, I wish you and your family good health, wealth and success. Happy Navratri!

  • Let us celebrate the victory of good over evil on this Navratri. Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy Navratri!

  • May Goddess Durga bless you with strength, courage and wisdom to overcome all obstacles in life. Happy Navratri!

  • May the nine days of Navratri bring new beginnings, success and happiness in your life. Happy Navratri!

  • I pray that this Navratri, Goddess Durga blesses you with good fortune, happiness and success. Happy Navratri!

  • On the occasion of Navratri, I wish you and your family a blessed and joyous celebration. Happy Navratri!

  • May the blessings of Maa Durga bring happiness and prosperity to your home. Happy Navratri!

  • Let us pray to Goddess Durga to bless us with strength, courage and wisdom to face all challenges in life. Happy Navratri!

  • I wish you and your family a happy and prosperous Navratri. May Goddess Durga shower her blessings upon you.

Messages to send to your friends and family on Navratri:

  • May the nine days of Navratri bring peace, prosperity and happiness to your life. Happy Navratri!

  • On this auspicious occasion of Navratri, may Goddess Durga bless you with good health, wealth and success. Happy Navratri!

  • Let us celebrate Navratri by offering prayers to Goddess Durga and seeking her blessings for a happy and fulfilling life. Happy Navratri!

  • As we celebrate the victory of good over evil during Navratri, let us also strive to overcome our own inner demons and become better individuals. Happy Navratri!

  • May the energy of Navratri fill your life with positivity, strength and courage to achieve all your goals. Happy Navratri!

  • Let us take inspiration from Goddess Durga and embody her qualities of strength, courage and compassion. Happy Navratri!

  • I wish you and your family a joyous Navratri filled with love, laughter and blessings from Goddess Durga. Happy Navratri!

  • May the divine presence of Goddess Durga fill your heart and home with peace, happiness and prosperity. Happy Navratri!

  • On this Navratri, let us take a moment to thank Goddess Durga for all her blessings and seek her guidance for a better future. Happy Navratri!

  • Let us celebrate Navratri with a pure heart, positive mindset and devotion towards Goddess Durga. Happy Navratri!