As the sun's warmth entices us outside at some point during the summer season, it's clear to miss out on the potential damage it can do to our hair. From the harmful effects of UV rays to the challenges of maintaining healthy hair in the scorching heat, our hair requires unique care and safety. In this article, we will look into the effect of sun exposure on our hair, common challenges, and concerns, the importance of sun protection like sunscreens for hair, effective techniques to protect our hair with helmets, and scarves, choosing the right products for summer, and the importance of hydration in maintaining shiny hair.

Impact Of Sun Exposure

The sun in the summer season brings happiness, but it can also damage our hair. When we spend too much time in the sun, its UV rays can make our hair dry, brittle, and even discolored. Just as our skin can get sunburned, so can our hair. The sun's rays can also damage the proteins in our hair, making it weaker and less resilient. It is essential to protect your hair from the sun, just as we protect our skin. Using hats or scarves and using hair products with UV protection can help. Being mindful of how much time we spend in the sun and taking steps to protect our hair will keep it healthy and strong all summer long.

Poorva Batra, Director at Hairmasters Salon Pvt. Ltd. said, "Adding sun protection to our hair care habits facilitates us to avoid troubles resulting from the sun, like dryness and brittleness."

Hair Problems and Concerns:

Summer brings its own set of difficulties for our hair. Here are a few hair problems listed by Poorva Batra that we often with during the hot summer months.

  • Frizz and humidity: Combat frizz caused by humidity by using anti-frizz products and incorporating humidity-resistant styling strategies into your daily hair routine.

  • Excess Oil: Manage excess oiliness and greasy hair by using light, oil-free hair products and washing your hair often with a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo.

  • Colour Fade: Protect colored or chemically treated hair from fading from sun exposure by using hair products with UV protection and wearing protective accessories such as hats or scarves.

  • Split Ends: Prevent split ends by trimming your hair frequently, using heat protectants before styling, and avoiding excessive heat styling or harsh chemical treatments.

  • Dryness and Brittleness: Combat dryness and brittleness by incorporating hydrating hair masks, conditioners and detangling treatments into your hair care routine and nourish your strands.

  • Scalp Sensitivity: Address scalp sensitivity by using gentle sulfate-free shampoos and avoiding products containing harsh chemical compounds or irritants that could aggravate sensitivity or cause inflammation. Regular scalp massages with nourishing oils can also help soothe and calm the scalp.

Tips To Prepare Your Hair For The Summer Heat

Maintaining healthy and vibrant hair during the scorching summer months requires a proactive approach to hair care.

Here are some tips shared by Jigar Ravaria, who is the Co-founder of Beauty Garage Professional:

  • Begin by scheduling a trim at the start of the season to eliminate split ends and prevent further damage.

  • When using heat styling tools, protect your hair with heat-protective serums to minimize heat-induced harm.

  • Opt for air-drying methods to preserve natural moisture and texture, and embrace protective hairstyles like braids or buns to shield from the sun's rays.

  • Gently detangle wet hair with a wide-tooth comb to prevent breakage.

  • Hydrate and nourish regularly, and safeguard from UV damage with a hair SPF.

  • Rinse off chlorine or saltwater post-swim to prevent dryness.

  • Stay internally hydrated and fortify with a shea-infused leave-in conditioner.

  • Avoid over-washing to retain natural oils, and use a silk or satin pillowcase to reduce friction while sleeping.

  • Fortify against UV exposure with a UV-protectant hair oil and support overall hair health with a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients. 

Strategies to Protect Your Hair from The Sun

Here are some strategies to protect your hair from during summer.

  • Physical protection: Wear hats, scarves, or hair wraps to protect hair from direct sunlight, especially during high-altitude sunlight hours.

  • Use UV protection products: Choose hair care products that are specially formulated with UV filters or SPF to create a barrier against dangerous UV rays.

  • Choose a light formula: Choose light, non-greasy hair products for the summer season so that they don't weigh your hair down or leave a sticky residue.

  • Moisturise regularly: Keep your hair hydrated by using hydrating hair masks, conditioners, and treatments to replenish any lost moisture from the sun.

  • Include protective accessories: Embrace stylish accessories such as wide-brimmed hats, chic scarves or UV-blocking hair wraps that provide extra protection from the sun's rays.

  • Rinse after swimming: After swimming in chlorinated pools or salty ocean water, rinse your hair with clean water to remove any chemical or salt residue that could dry out your hair.

  • Use anti-frizz products: With anti-frizz products and humidity-resistant styling techniques to maintain easy, manageable curls.

  • Adapt your environmental routine: Adapt your regular hair care routine to the exact summertime environment, such as humid climates or exposure to chlorine or salt water, with the help of suitable products and strategies.

7 Tips For Maintaining Beautifully Shaped Hair

Maintaining beautifully shaped hair requires dedication and the use of products that cater to the evolving needs of hair care. Bhavin Bheda - Business Head of Cadiveu shared 10 essential tips for maintaining beautifully shaped hair:

1. Regular Trimming

  • Visit a professional hairstylist for regular trims to maintain the shape and health of your hair. 

  • Use precision cutting tools and techniques to achieve the perfect shape and structure.

2. Use Quality Hair Care Products

  • Incorporate a diverse range of hair care products, including shampoos, conditioners, and masks, into your hair care routine to nourish and protect your hair.

3. Use Products Which Has Heat Controls 

  • Before using heat styling tools, apply a heat protectant to shield your hair from damage. 

4. Protect Hair From Environmental Stress

  • Shield your hair from environmental stressors such as UV rays and pollution by using protective hair care products and accessories.

6. Prioritise Hair Nutrition

  • Consume a balanced diet and consider using hair supplements to provide your hair with the necessary nutrients for maintaining its shape and vitality.

7. Use Of Right Towels To Maintain Hair Health

  • To focus on the material, a hair towel made of 100% cotton or microfiber is the best option. Cotton is an excellent choice because it absorbs water better than most other textiles. Cotton contains absorbent fibers, which explains why this happens.