Your wedding day is one of the most memorable days of your life, and having the perfect hairstyle is a crucial part of your bridal look. Achieving luscious, healthy hair can make all the difference. Here's a comprehensive guide, drawing insights from experts on bridal hair care, to help you prepare your hair for the big day. 

Essential Hair Care Tips For The Bride Before Their Big Day

For every women, preparations for the perfect bridal look begin many weeks before the big day, mainly due to their long hair care routine. Brides-to-be, here are some hair care tips shared by Cosmetologist Ritu Khariyan at Skinlogics that you can confidently follow before your big day.

She said, "Nobody gets a healthy hair overnight, so if anybody wants to achieve and maintain luscious locks, it’s best to start the hair care routine at least six months to a year before the wedding day. Shiny, healthy hair starts at the scalp, so always choose the shampoo and conditioner products according to your scalp. Use shampoo and conditioner specially formulated according to your hair’s needs."

She also went on to list the following:

  • Schedule regular trims: It might seem basic, but cutting your hair can actually help it grow faster than the usual. 8-12 weeks is enough for growing out hair. The ends of our hair have experienced the most damage and will generally be prone to breakage due to the excessive dryness. If you have long hair, you need to trim it regularly to prevent fraying or breakage. Regular scalp massages can also help to promote healthy hair growth. 

  • Reduce washing; avoid hot water: Grey hair and dry hair might occur if you wash your hair with hot water. So, always keep the water temperature at lukewarm and wash hair to avoid stripping off its natural oils.

  • Regularly use deep conditioning treatments: Using a moisturising shampoo and conditioner can help to keep the hair healthy, but if you want to keep the scalp and hair follicles hydrated, apply a deep conditioning treatment mask every week. Some treatments can make a big difference in the health of your hair, such as 'hair slugging.' 'Slugging' means applying a hair mask for overnight use. The natural heat from the scalp can help to 'activate' the treatment formula, assisting with product penetration. For hair slug, apply the deep conditioner, focus on the mid-lengths and ends. 

  • Stay hydrated: Just like your skin and body, your hair can also be benefited if your body is well hydrated. Drink about three litres of water every day to strengthen the hair and boost growth.

  • Avoid using heat or hairspray: Weeks before your wedding, avoid over-styling the hair. Heat-treatment can cause hair break, frizz, and become weak. 

  • Wash and dry hair completely before styling on the big day: Wash the hair in the morning or the night before the wedding day. Then apply regular shampoo and finaly apply conditioner. Don’t apply any lotions or oils. 

Other Hair Care Tips

Jitendra Sharma who is the Founder & CEO of HairOriginals suggested additional tips that new brides can watch out for.

  • Haircuts for Texture and Volume: Regular cuts or trims add texture, crucial for both natural hair and for blending in extensions.

  • Routine Hair Care: Stick to a routine with the right products. This routine should extend to your extensions, ensuring their longevity and natural appearance.

  • Regular Hair Spas: Begin spa treatments 2-3 months before the wedding. If you're using extensions, discuss with your stylist the best spa treatments that won't affect the bonding.

  • Hair Colouring: Instead of colouring your hair at the last minute, you can opt for coloured hair streaks. Brides can wear different hair streaks matching the occasion and the outfit.

  • Healthy Diet: Foods rich in proteins and vitamins contribute to the health of your hair and the appearance of your extensions.

Lastly, Ayush Ahuja, who is Co-Founder of Zalon concluded, "Choosing a hairstyle that matches your wedding theme and personal style is crucial. Whether you prefer classic updos or flowing curls, work closely with your stylist to find a look that fits your journey. Some tips that new brides should keep in mind are using sulphate-free shampoos, investing in a good hair mask, at-home hydration mask treatments to nourish hair regularly. Oiling hair every week using virgin coconut oil or olive oil would be great as it nourishes the scalp and the length turning them into shiny locks. Always remember, confidence is the best accessory. With a personalised and complete hair care plan, you'll shine not only on your special day but every day after that."