New Delhi: Guru Purnima is celebrated on the date when the full moon (purnima)  rises during the Hindu month Ashadha. On the day, the Gurus or teachers are worshipped as they bring people out into the light from the darkness through knowledge. The day is dedicated to Krishna Dvaipayana Veda Vyasa or more commonly known as Vyasa, a revered sage and is regarded as the author of Mahabharata. 

Date, timings of Guru Purnima 

According to Panchang, Poornima Tithi begins at 4:01:55 on July 13 and ends at 00:08:29 on July 14. 

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Significance of Guru Purnima

Sanskrit's word Guru is derived from Gu and Ru, where Gu means ignorance/darkness and Ru refers to elimination/removal. Guru Purnima is dedicated to Vyasa.

According to the Hindu faith, Vyasa as a partial incarnation of Lord Vishnu is regarded as the compiler of the mantras of the Vedas into four Vedas, as well as the author of the eighteen Puranas and the Brahma Sutras. He is one of the seven Chiranjeevis. He is also considered to be the author of Mahabharata. 

As per rituals, a disciple should bathe, wear clean clothes, do puja, offer prayers and garlands to Vyasa and then visit their guru, make your teacher sit on a chair or stable place and offer them a garland. After that, offer clothes, fruits, flowers, garland, and Dakshina in the form of some money to your Guru and then take their blessings. 

Guru is not limited to a teacher, it can be an elder from your family as a collective a person receives knowledge leading their lives into the light.