Melbourne: The mystery revolving around the tragic crash of the EgyptAir Flight 804 into the Mediterranean Sea seems to be becoming more complex with two Turkish Airlines pilots claiming that an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) with green lights passed over their plane shortly before the downing of the Egyptian aircraft.

Quoting The Sun, reports that the pilots, who were flying from Bodrum to Istanbul, reportedly saw the unidentified object last Thursday night close to Istanbul's Silivri District when the plane was at 17,000-ft at 11.30pm.

According to The Hurriyet Daily News, the Air Traffic Control at Istanbul was told by the Turkish Airlines pilots that an unidentified object with green lights passed two to 3,000 feet above them.

The pilots further said that the object, which they are guessing it to be a UFO then disappeared all of a sudden.

Meanwhile, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has said a submarine has been deployed to the Mediterranean Sea to search the black boxes of the Egyptian aircraft that went missing en route from Paris to Cairo.

While searchers have recovered parts of the plane wreckage, including passengers' personal belongings, life vests, aircraft chairs and even body parts, scouring the Mediterranean is still on to find the fuselage and flight data and cockpit voice recorders that would likely reveal what went wrong on the flight.

So far, no survivors have been found, and authorities are still examining what have caused the plane with 66 people aboard to crash into the sea early Thursday.

Fathi has said that 30 passengers were Egyptian, 15 French, including an infant, and passengers from Iraq, Britain, Belgium, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Chad, Portugal, Canada and Algeria.